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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ravent's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The terrorist attacks in the past, and the recent terrorist attempt in an American airplane, have devastated the lives of millions of Americans. We have a right to be concernced for our safety, but suspecting every person of the same race of past terrorists to be involved with terrorism isn't fair and people of other races wouldn't see it as fair either. People who are from the countries which are considered enemies to the U.S., who are possibly terrorists, should be throughly checked in the airports, but other people should be checked the same way. This would make it fair and safe for America.

1 point

In order for students to be successful in high school, they should be in an enviornment that meets their level of comfortability. High school students, who are capable of making their own decisions, should have the right to choose what school they want to attend. Being in a school of the students' liking would motivate involvement in their school which also encourages academic success. A student that is forced to attend a certain high school might not perform as well. They would have an unenthusiastic attitude restraining them from school involvement.

3 points

Torture is an inhumane act that could never be justified. There is no reason anyone should be treated like an animal and go through pain and suffering. The person on the other end of the immoral punishment wouldn't feel that they deserve such cruel treatment no matter what crime they commited. They don't have the right to treat someone else with punishment they wouldn't want to experience themselves. Even if the person being punished harmed someone in the same way, it makes the torturer equally guilty if not more. Torture can never be justified and who ever does such a crime should be punished in a civilized way.

1 point

Presidents should have no more than two terms to serve in office, and sometimes two terms might be too long. If president Bush were still in office, the economy would be in even more turmoil than it already is. On the other hand, if the president does an excellent job in leading the country with little mistakes, then the law of a president being allowed to serve more than two terms would be beneficial. A president's amount of time in office should be dependent on how fair and reliable the president is.

0 points

Illegal immigrants come to America in hope of a better life. It is cruel to deport people back to a life of hardships after they went through so many obstacles to reach their destination. The American government should put themselves in the shoes of these people who have low paying jobs without support for their families or a poor educational system for their children. They may have broken the law by crossing the border illegally, but they don't have the money to afford an escape legally.

1 point

The environment is near it's peek of catastrophe, but no country should have the right to force another country into anything. Most developed countries are the leading cause of environmental hazards because of its continuous use of new technology and transportation that causes harm to the environment. It is hypocritical for a developed country to force another country to protect the environment if the developed country isn't showing effort to improve the environment themselves.It would be more effective to suggest a way a developing country can grow without harming the environment rather than causing a conflict between two countries with forceful actions. It takes more than one country's effort to improve the great amount of damage in the environment today so all countries should work together.

3 points

School is where creativity is born. Without school, a student wouldn't discovery their fullest potential of creativity. There are many activities and classes in school that allows a student to express their creative minds such as art, music, and writing. School also allows the creativity of students to be shared with other students. This influences them to express themselves and not be afraid to be themselves.

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