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This personal waterfall shows you all of Madelynb's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

In a world where the only thing more precious then money is time, there is hardly room to wait hours in a line just because the man three people in front of you is wearing a red bandanna and might be planning to whip out a "fresh new glock" on the plane.

In this day and age there should be a more efficient way of preventing terrorist attacks. A terrorist, or anyone planning to cause harm at the airport or on a plane, can take any shape or form. A terrorist could easily give a five year old innocent at heart AND innocent looking child a piece of candy and a bomb and send him on his way.

People constantly complain about the tediousness of airport service but get upset when a woman is held out of line for wearing a head dress. So what do we dumb Americans do about this problem? We create a faster and more efficient system of checking EVERYONE getting on planes. This is 2010 for crying out loud, assembly lines were created 100 years ago! Doesn't at least one single American think its time for an upgrade?

2 points

Tourture- the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.

Think Punisher. If your family was totally obliterated by a crazy mob, and you had nothing left to live for, wouldn't you want revenge? How far would you go to avenge the people who ruined your life and murdered innocent people? Mental and physical torture can be a way of obtaining information. I personally can't image myself torturing someone, but there are many of times when I do believe torture can be justified.

Although it may not be morally right to torture for revenge, karma is very real.

"Do to others what you would have them do to you." -Matthew 7:12, The Golden Rule

3 points

As much as we would all like to believe that all high school students are well rounded, intellectual, young adults, the fact of the matter is that were not. For this particular reason, letting high school students attend the high school of choice would be a highly insubordinate and regretful idea. Students would choose to attend the schools with all of their best buddies and failure to work and stay up to speed in schooling would result. Also, there would be a problem with overcrowded schools and undercrowded schools. Students would attend schools for reasons such as sports, academics, or friends, shooting down diversity in schools which most places of learning aim for. Cliches could also take over certain schools and before we know it outstanding MacArthur high school could be the new chill spot for MS-13.

Maybe if this was China, and morals were enforced more as a child, then choosing your own high school would not be a problem. But this is America, kids.

3 points

Last time I checked, Americans of age have the right to vote for whichever president whom they think will be best for our nation. So what is wrong with a beloved President running for a third term. Sure, change is good and encouraged. But what if the upcoming President ruins the present Presidents' good streak and drags all of the US to hell?

6 points

Although the thought of sending the people who steal American jobs and corrupt our "all american" country sounds ideal to many patriots, the fact and the reality of the matter is that deporting illegal immigrants is morally wrong and goes against the theory of what America was founded on. Everyone is supposed to be welcomed to America, and if it wasn't so hard to become a citizen, I'm sure many illegals wouldn't have a problem with it. Sure, there is a large group of illegals that fiend off of breaking the law and not having to pay taxes. But then there is the illegal that does what they need to have a better life for themselves and usually their family. Deporting these illegals that have already made their way to the United States is just making room for violence, unjust treatment, and most likely MORE expenses in sending the illegals back home.

2 points

Force is a rather inflexible word. No nation has the right to force another country to "develop", and become enviornment friendly. Infact, devloped countries are the most likely to produce enviornmental poison. For example, place the United States into factor. The millions of factories and automobile waste alone engulfs the nation with toxic and unfriendly enviornmental circumstances. Not to mention the number of moraly incorrect, luxurious, wasteful, and careless people that inhibit America. Taking this into consideration, the word "force" most definitely exhibits the wrong idea. Developed countries need to focus on their own issues, instead of extending the blame on a country using 80% less resources. Yes, developing countries are known for their lack of sterility. However, a country essentially equally destorying the enviornment has no right to force sterility upon another. If anything, the developed country should do nothing but send encouragement and help to the developing country. The dogmatic word "force" is in need of replacement by the more appropriate word "help".

2 points

My answer is yes, I do believe schools kill creativity. Due to some bad seeds, school staff must lack trust in all the students at their school. Students are to dress in an appropriate manner, which is understandable and civilized. However, students have certain restrictions that seem unreasonable. For example, students cant have certain haircuts, hair colors, or piercings. For most teenagers, hair and jewelry, apperance in general is a very large and important part of youth expression. Also, students are denied their unalienable right to religion, and many other things they cant mention in school. For these reasons, I believe that schools do take away from creativity in some ways.

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