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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kailinrotch's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

profiling is mostly said to be wrong and sidetracking. But, alot of terrorist attacks are by muslims. our most wanted list is filled with muslims from alot of places in the middle east. theres no harm in pulling a suspicious looking person to the side to question them or search their luggage more thouroughly. Since the September 11th attacks profiling has become more used and obvious. i think someone Foreign to a country is most likely to attack than someone native to that country.

4 points

torture is justified under very certain and understandable circumstances. yes, the constitution does state that we have a right to trial and no cruel punishment, but there are circumstances. if there is a threat against the safety of this country and law enforcment has a source in possession and they need him to tallk i believe it is very justifying to find answers by torturing. why should we care about someone who wanted to hurt and kill thousands, maybe millions of our people? law enforcement should torture a terrorist or someone who knows information until they give all information needed. it's ok to harm a violent killer or conspirator for the sake of many other innocent lives.

3 points

If students attended wherever they wanted, alot of problems would come with it. The main reason we have to attend schools closest to us is beacuse of the student count. lets say there were three schools in a district. if everyine wanted to go to one of them, the schools would be overcrowded, not enough one on one time with teachers and students, and the budget of that school would most likely go up to support it. the other schoold would have alot less people and they would be paying alot of money for the school even if theres only 100 people. Another reason is people might not get enough diveristy in other students and they would become cliquey and maybe violent. if all the thugs and gangs went to the same school because of choice, then that has made that school very unsafe and would be potentially a very bad, unsuccessful school.

4 points

There is a reason that this is already a law. It elminates the possibility of dictatorship or total control over a country. If we had a president for let's say 16 years, then the chance of them taking advantage of their power is great. Another reason it is a good law to only serve two terms is not everyone wanted that one president to be president in the first place. Some people are republicans, others democrats and by having new presidents with new view points every couple of years expunges the possibility of rebellions and violence from different views and parties. The different views and ways a president does things is good to have refreshed every couple of years.

8 points

There are many problems with having illegal immigrants in a country. One reason is taxes. Every American citizen pays taxes but illegal immigrants don't which is unfair. That means we pay more taxes and they don't pay anything. Another reason is it's the law that you have to be a citizen to live here or have a file for citizenship and if we let them continue to live here this country would be going against everything it stands for by breaking the law. One more reason is crime. We don't need anymore crime than we already have and we shouldn't have to put up with illegal immigrants' crimes. If they want to live here, they should take the time to file for citizenship and go through all the procedures instead of taking advantage of this country that we, americans have built over time.

1 point

i dont think this is the obvious choice because i had no idea what you were talking about. It doesnt have anything to do with self confidence.

1 point

Developed countries should not force developing countries to protect the environment... well for a certain time. All countries who are developed cut down hundreds of thousands of trees and burned tons of fuels to make that country developed. So who are we to tell them to protect the environment when the deveolped countries did the same thing? People need to do unfriendly things to the environment to make their countries developed. I do think after the country is developed they do need to do everything they can to protect the environment, but we should let them do whatever they need to do to get their country developed.

1 point

The pros in the end, do not outweigh the cons of this country's establishment. We didn't have to exile native americans , have slavery, or have restrictions on women to have a successful country like most people thought back then. Most of those actions only eventually led to a war, fight, or hardship on this country which didn't help at all. The way I look at it, if the U.S. didn't have many of those cons, we could of just had a better country earlier and longer and maybe our country would be better today than it is now.

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