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This personal waterfall shows you all of Justak's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, i feel we shuld change books. The same book every year for classes gets pretty lame. It's just an opinion but i just feel there are better books to read. Maybe a book that has easier reading it and to where i am able to understand the whole time what they are talking about. Mysterious books area good choice, they don't have to be hard but something that will keep me interested!

2 points

i feel that freedom is just being to do what you wan to done and not whats been done to you because when you do what you want but its because of what has been done with you then i feel that you are being restricted and dont have the full freedom to be able to do what you want.

2 points

I feel Obama should be the next president because he has a lot to offer. He sounds like he is confident in what he is saying and i feel that he will stay srong to is word. Having a black president for the first time could really change things in a positive way. I feel it will lead younger kids to want to try harder and look up to hm as a role model. GO OBAMA!

0 points

i feel that it is better to be well respected because in my eyes being wealthy means nothing if you are rich for all the wrong reasons. Being respected means more later on down the road. If you are well respected it means that you respect people as well, if you can be respected then maybe later on down the road in life you will be wealthy beacuse you may work in a buisness and be resected and may just move up in the company and make the bg bucks but yet get treated the right way also because you treeat them the same way.

1 point

i feel that the school really lacks on creativity, we need to come together as a group and talk about some of the ways we can make it better. they lock us down and wont let us do near as much as they use to, no more gym shorts and how they have mad the school a very controlling society. teachers should let the students be more opened up to there self and maybe people woud feel more comfortable about meeting new friends or tryin new things. if the school was more creative then maybe the students would want to be more involved and try harder, but at the same time have more fun.

0 points

i feel that your very right mr terry i wish we could all think the way you do in this situation....very good cooments sir

-2 points

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