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This personal waterfall shows you all of Gencastanon's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I rather have a lousy father then not have a father at all. Having a lousy father you have a father that cares for you and loves you. You can fix if he's lousy you can talk to him and knock some sense into him. I think it would hurt me not knowing who my father is and would want to know who he is. As long as you have a second parent that you can talk to when you can't talk to your mom about. I don't know how it would be if it was only my mom raising me.

0 points

If my spouse was to commit murder i wouldn't turn him in because it's the love of your life. When you get married your supposed to be with that person through everything either good or bad.

1 point

I think we should keep learning about Shakespeare because he's a good writer and has some good stories. It helps students think at a higher level so when we get to college they kinda have an idea on what to expect.

0 points

I agree because no matter where you are in life i think you still be free in your mind.

1 point

I think batman is more heroic then superman. Batman is more ordinary then superman.

2 points

I think it's better to be love then feared. If your loved then your always going to have people their for you when you need them.

2 points

i think it's a good thing to have cameras because what about if somebody steals somthing and they blame it on someone else for it. When theirs fights and one person starting running they want to know who that other person was.

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