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This personal waterfall shows you all of Cortezj's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think it would be better to be fatherless then to have a lousy father in my life, if I had a father and he was lousy then what good is he doing in my life I wouldn’t need him. I would want a father you will take me places, pay attention to me, and not someone who sits around doing nothing.

1 point

If my spouse committed murder I would not turn him in. I would do the exact opposite I will help him hide all evidence if any, I will move if we had to, and I will never bring it up to his attention again. If my husband killed someone, he knew what he was doing, so there or it was for a cost. It would be hard for me to turn in the one I love.

1 point

Personal pursuit is better because its easier to help yourself then it is to help others. Plus not all people want to be helped. A persons’ need is more important then others need, you need to your personal pursuits first. In this world you have to fight for what you want.

1 point

Shakespear’s work should be continued in high schools, for the reason being; he his history. Everyone should know about this man and what he did, and the morals of his plays. He was an intelligent man who knew what he was doing and he accomplished many things. We could learn a lot from him, although the language has changed over the years and no one talks like that any more, it just goes to show how great he was in that time period.

1 point

I disagree because you are born with freedom, no on can take it from you. No matter what has happen to person in life or what they have done in life. No one has the right to take it away, and no one can. For example if a criminal does something wrong his freedom is still not taken away, because he has freedom in prison. He has the freedom to eat if he wants to, or don’t eat. He has the freedom to sleep or not to sleep. He has the freedom to watch TV or not watch TV. Freedom is what a person chooses to do, not what has been to them.

1 point

I would want McCain to win because I have heard his plans and I think that he has a better plan than Obama. Any ways most people are just voting for Obama because he will make history. That should not be the reason why and I feel like if Obama wins it would be out of sympathy votes due to his grandma dieing. I strongly believe that McCain knows what he is doing and i would rather have someone become the next president knowing what he his getting himself in to and knows what he is doing.

1 point

I believe that Batman is more heroic than Superman because, Batman risk his life more to save peoples life's. Plus Batman does not have any super powers and that is more realistic to me. You don't have to have super powers to be a hero.

-6 points

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