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This personal waterfall shows you all of Corgander's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

No they should not because it is wrong for the government to secretly be monitoring people who just look suspicious rather than spending more time watching ones who have already committed a crime. It is an invasion of privacy and people should be able to live a normal life instead of becoming paranoid of everything they do just because the government could secretly be watching them.

2 points

I think its better to have a lousy father than no father at all. Having a lousy dad means having that second parent in your life that you can tell things to that you may not be able to tell your mom. If you have no father you never get the chance to know who your dad really was or what he was like or even what you had in common with him. A lousy dad may not be the best kind of dad but he's your dad and will love you no matter what. Even if you really don't like him at times, he's your family and you should be thankful for the people that are in your life, especially family.

1 point

I put my argument on the side saying "yes" but in reality it really depends in my opinion. If my husband killed someone in self-defense, I'd rather them kill the person than my husband die, but if he just killed someone for no reason I probably would turn him in because love may be strong but it can also be blind. I would not want to be married to a murderer because what if one day he decided to kill me?

0 points

I believe it is more important to have personal pursuit because if you even want to begin to help others you have to help yourself. It's not bad to want to help the common good but if you're always putting other people before yourself you may start to forget about your own needs and wants in life. But I do think that you can have a balance of both.

2 points

I think that Shakespeare should be studied in high school because even though people don't speak the way they did back in his day, its good literature and makes people think about what he was trying to say and portray in his plays. People seem to not want to read it simply because they find it boring, but if you actually took the time to try and understand what it meant and was saying, you may see why so many people back then enjoyed his plays/literature.

1 point

I agree with this statement because typically when bad or good things are done to people it makes them have a certain mindset about things, so if you've been treated bad it may effect how you use your freedom.

1 point

okay after a while it WON'T be pocket change, plus their hard earned money will be going to other people who either are lazy or didn't get higher education in college. Obama just wants to use money to fix evvverything which is just going to worsen our economy

1 point

I don't care for politics or McCain much, BUT Obama is choosing to try and make things "equal" and really thats not fair. There are people who work very hard for their money and other people who are just lazy and many people who live off welfare, not because they can't get a job but because they are too lazy. If I worked hard to earn a lot of money, I would not want to be taxed so that I can pay for people who won't go out and work themselves. Personally I've had a new perspective on the election and believe that McCain really would be better for president. He's been involved in politics for many many years and Obama is new to all this. All Obama is talks about is raising taxes and more money for this and that. McCain does not want to try and take other peoples money and hand it out to everyone else. There is a lot going on for who ever is president next but I think McCain would be more prepared for this presidency.

-1 points

To me this is a great point, I don't really like McCain either but I completely agree with this

1 point

I think Batman is more HEROIC because not only is he just an ordinary person trying to help others, he doesn't do things for publicity, notice how he wears a mask and does not tell people his identity of being a hero. He saves lives without having any special powers because he truly cares about people and asks for nothing in return.

1 point

I think it is more important to be loved than feared because if your loved by people you have their respect and they care for you, whereas if your feared, people feel like they HAVE to do things for you but they don't actually care for you and in the long run you don't really have people on your side.

1 point

This may not be Oak Cliff, but it's still a school with so many different people and you never know when someone is going to decide to steal something or start a fight or even sell drugs because we all know that DOES happen here.

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