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This personal waterfall shows you all of Brendaa's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The government should be able to monitor anyone suspicious of committing a crime BUT is it really what the law requires of them? It is a violation of the rights of the people though it protects others from any danger. What if the government is monitoring a person who is simplified below the normal civilian who just has a passion in reading books that contain such kind of information? It is absurd when the government monitors a person and restarints them,asks them questions,and even give out certified,secured information.Sometimes being careful too much and being curious and hasty about some things is just a mistake that leads to the real thing.You just gave a person the right exact information to use which they had no clue about.All they probably wanted was to know whats happening and has been happening.Monitoring someone is also a invasion of their private life.

1 point

Marriage is all about being truthful and being there for each other in the worst of moments.Since he told me the truth i would listen to,him know how he did it;defensive or on purpose.Then we talk to each other,look for an attorney and turn them in to see how it goes because i do not know if i am next Also nobody knows who they marry very well enough.I might be married to a murder because pretenders are worse than murders.This one may be one pretending to be innocuous yet a piece of iron in the inside.If it was you would you stay there to be next?

1 point

Shakespeare is a form of literature that has deep profoundness in English.It expresses itself with a lot of words that students get to understand most of their topics.This writing brings us to understand the modern English.Though old-school it`s it that brings english study by the used words found.It`s complex but a great start when started in high school found with the right person to teach it.

1 point

nice.Madame Gouges,a french lady went against all odds in french laws and wrote a book about the women rights and supported their rights all through.

1 point

Most people think being a man is more powerful than when you are a woman.The idea is just biased on one gender but thinking about it a woman can do what a man can do.And there are those duties that even men themselves cannot do like taking care of kids.Hence i think that if women cando what they can do then they are both equal in leadership.

1 point

Well-stated.this is one way of survival like that girl has to survive from trouble and achieve better at her failures without having that phone for texting.

0 points

torture is baneful and a form of being altruistic.To some people torture is love,passion a form of revereness.To me torture is one way to live a life.It`s a way of survival.With it one is able to conquere conqestand tackle hardships in every way.There are those who torture for hurting:evil but in itself of life from no personative figure torture is justicified for being a survival truth.

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