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This personal waterfall shows you all of Bethany09's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

Or, you would always be dissappointed because you don't know what to think about him since you dont know him....

-1 points

Or, you would always be dissappointed because you don't know what to think about him since you dont know him....

-1 points

I think that the biggest hurt you can have is from someone not being there at all....

0 points

I think it would be better to have a lousy father because atleast you have someone there. Just because a father is lousy doesn't mean you can't change that. Maybe you could knock some sense into him and he would come around and be a good father. The fact that you would never even get a chance to know your father makes me believe that having a lousy father is better than no father.

3 points

I would say that most likely I would turn my husband in because a murderer is not who I wanted to marry. And also, if my husband killed someone else, who knows if his next attack will be on me. Obviously he is messed up in the head if he committed murder and thats not who I want to spend the rest of my life with.

1 point

I agree because you actually have to think when you read it, you can't just read it once and totally uncerstand it.

0 points

Yes, I think that Shakespeare should keep being taught in high school because you can learn alot from it. Even though it may seem old and outdated, if you go in depth and actually understand it, then you will get alot out of it.

0 points

I agree because no matter what situation in life you are in, you can still be free in your own mind. Just because you are in a little cage somewhere doesn't mean you can't be free in your own mind. You can have freedom with what you are given.

-4 points
-2 points
1 point

I think it is better to be respected because money is definatley not everything. You could be the richest person on Earth and you could still not be happy. If people respect you, then that's all that matters. True happiness is not judged by how much money you have.

3 points

I think batman is more heroic because he is more human than superman is. If he gets shot or something, then he will die, so he risks his life more. And plus, he has a cuter outfit and a nice car! =]

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