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This personal waterfall shows you all of Allen096's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

The government has the right to do what they choose to when they are not obstructing the law. If it is a matter of national security, the government will do whatever necessary to ensure the country's well being. Those who are being monitored have done something that has caused them to be under suspicion. If you haven't done anything wrong there should be nothing to worry about.

4 points

I believe it is better to have a lousy father than to have none. It is important to have a role model to look up to and without that figure, you might become lost in the world. A lousy father is not that bad because what exactly makes a lousy father, always working and not having time for you. A father that isn't always around is no reason to prefer to have no father. Growing up and seeing the way your father is, makes you want to become like him or gives you the motivation to surpass him and become even better than he is.

1 point

A personal pursuit is a better endeavor because you are fulfilling something within yourself. It is important to help others but there is a time to do so. Achieving a personal goal is a journey to fulfillment where one is truly happy. Before helping others you must remember about yourself, but you must not forget about those who are really in need.

1 point

I think that Shakespeare's work should continue to be read at the high school level because his work is very well written and that makes students become better writers. Reading stories in old english, provides students with an understanding of where the english language came from. It's very important to understand themes and Shakespeare's work is full of different themes.

1 point

I do agree with the statement because you have the ability to choose what you do in the world, which may have manipulated or touched your life. The environment you grow up in contributes to how you are raised to see the world.

1 point

It is better to be well respected because having money and being rich isn't everything. You could have all the money you want and still be unhappy. Being respected means that people believe in you and and your ideas and thats where real power comes from. Being well respected brings more happiness than just having money. You can't buy happiness.

1 point

Batman is a more heroic character because he does not have the aid of super powers. Batman uses his intelligence to out smart the villain and bring justice. He risks his life to help out others, knowing that he could be killed at any moment. He uses the bat symbol to strike fear in the criminals.

2 points

It is better to be loved for who you are, rather than to be loved because of fear. Being forced to love someone because of fear isn't right.

2 points

The current level of surveillance is required to keep the school safe for all. It is becoming a requirement to have cameras in schools. The cameras help see what happened in a certain incident.

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