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This personal waterfall shows you all of NathanielY's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Airport officials should not profile certain groups of people. Innocent people may miss their flights because they look a certain way. I feel it is unethical and racial. Profiling could cause trouble with the airport. If a person's bag has guns knives or they are covered in bombs, I believe that they should be considered a threat at the least.

2 points

If the victim is a terrorist or a threat to society and the torture is to extract vital information that may save or kill alot of innocent people, I believe torture can be justified. To torture a threat to society I believe you need concrete evidence that the person has or had information and is a threat. Tortue unless evidence is provided is not justifiable.

4 points

Students may pick to go to a certain school because of their friends or how good the sports team is. I feel like this will offset the balance of a communities social classes if all the "rich/popular" people go to one school and the "poor/unpopular" go to another this will offset the balance between the two classes and this may cause all kinds of disutes between the schools i.e. fights. Most of today's students wouldn't go to a school because of how good its education is but because of how good its sports teams are or how popular the people at that school are. Students would most likely make a bad choice in which school to go to if they were allowed to go to the high school of their choice.

1 point

I feel as if we are left with a "to be continued..." statement at the end. The arguement doesn't feel as if its ended. Also the presidents re-election process seems as tho it wouldn't work because they may still have the same ideas as their starting party.

3 points

If a president is loved by the public enough to be elected more than two times he should be able to serve more than two times. Being elected more than two times may mean that you helped change the economy, win wars, lower crime rate, or help the general public. Presidents that win more than two times earn the right to serve more. Also if a president starts a war I believe that they should be able to stay in office long enough to finish it up to a certain point. The president should not be limited to two terms or less, because if the public wants a new president they can vote for a new president.

0 points

Illegal immigrants should not be deported for no reason. They shouldn't be deported because they are Illegal, but I believe that if they have a history of being in jail, violent activity, or neglect of their children that they should be deported. Being illegal doesn't make you bad, you may just want to have a better life in America. Not all Illegal immigrants will be bad people. Some people who are illegal may be very good people saving people's lives and such, but if you just look people up in a data base and deport them because they are illegal we will never know.

2 points

I beleive that the good outwieght the bad. I feel like the U.S. has done enough good things (i.e. abolishing slavery) to outweigh the cons. Although the U.S. has done lots of bad things I believe that the outcome of the events has made the U.S. a better country in general. I believe that the U.S. has learned from its mistakes and from those learnings we have made the country a better place (i.e. giving everyone rights). In conclusion I beleive the pros outweigh the cons.

2 points

I feel like school actually does kill creativity because teachers give you assignments but you always have set rules you have to follow. Very rarely do teachers give you a project and not give you a set of rules you have to follow. Although schools have art classes those class still have set rules you have to follow as you create your work. In the end school is a creativity killer.

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