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This personal waterfall shows you all of LeighAnn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It depends on the person that you are torturing as well cause most people now are so dedicated to what they are doing that they will never give any information to help you out if you are trying to save people.

-2 points
0 points

There is a reason for Districts to have students go to certain schools. If all students in Irving wanted to go to Mac it would be just like hiring all the highschool teachers in the district to one school and all the class rooms under one roof. That would just cause for a huge school; and the worst is there would be over crowding. The programs would end up being full and then students would be left out of certain things they want to take and are interested in. Band would stretch from goal line to goal line, the choir would flood the stage, and the orchestra would be huge. I think that it could possibly rob students of certain opportunities. If students get to choose where they want to go they will be choosing the school they think is the best, they will be choosing which school their friends are at. If schools are spread out that gives everyone nearly equal opportunities for what they want to do they can have a chance at learning more, there wont be as many distractions cause of insaine class numbers, and elective classes wont be over run.

1 point

If there is one person in power to long he can end up making wrong decisions and then where will that leave us. Yes he can be vetoed or what ever but he still has lots of sway over the people sometimes just cause he is a different race or has different beliefs, or someone could just like his new little dog. You never know what people are thinking it's America after all we are all crazy people. Sometimes the president gets to make decisions with out having to consult anyone on them like the war in Iraq, Bush never pulled out and he had ample opportunity and Barack wants to and is slowly bringing some people home but then still sending them away. If you want to send someone there they should voluntieer cause ya they joined the military they are voluntieering but no some people were promised they would only be reserve and now they are over there. Fort Hood the man that did the shooting was distraught cause he found out he was going to have to go to Iraq if we just pulled out of there like some president said it wouldnt have happened. The presidents change their mind about everything they do now. They say one thing then do another. Why should our country be confused about everything for three in a half or seven years. Think about it, the presidents always promise all these things then cant deliver. Or they will be active for 6 months or so and then nothing and the country is confused or just doesn't care till a big action happens that effects everyone the wrong way. If there are more presidents there will be more chances of action. There will be more things changing positively.

1 point

There are plenty of people here in the United States and we are allowed to let in a certain amount of each "group" i guess you could call it every year. If some one wants to be here they just need to go through the proper steps. Now if it is some one who has been here for years and years, their whole family is here, and they would be leaving people behind that need them then no it shouldnt and they should have a chance to get their papers with a person telling them what exactly they have to do and if they don't in a certain amount of time then they can be deported. They have already had ample amounts of time yes but they may have not gotten to know what to do, where to go, and they could have been scared that they were going to be deported if they tried. The US is a place many people come to start a new life and to do better for them than their parents could do for them. The ones that go through the hassel of getting the paper work are the ones that deserve to be here. I'd say they want it the most cause they are willing to do anything to be here including have the possibility to be rejected. You shouldn't sneak in anywhere. It's more dangerous to be caught. When you are illegal and you get caught you go to jail here and then if you don't fix it with in about a week you are gone and out of here, but yet your in jail and you can't fix it unless you have help outside.

1 point

Regarding work, schools do kill creativity because there are limits to what you can and can not do. The term every single teacher/admisistrator usues is school appropriate. Ok, sure its good to be school appropriate but somethings can not be explained by happy puppy dogs and rainbows. There are some limitations to how much you can do aswell. Some things need to be long explainations when your are only limited to a page or a paragraph.

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