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Henriquez21's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Henriquez21's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Someone will always have the freedom to do things, such as to think and have their own opinions. Even if your locked up you can still do things in your mind. Anyone can still have their freedom regardless what has been done to them.

0 points

Batman is more heroic, he risks his life everyday. He does not have superpowers.

2 points

I dont think the school kills creativity. The school has many classes and clubs for students to enroll in. These courses let out the creativeness in students.

The students choose if they want to be creative or not.

1 point

its better to be loved, because if someone fears you they wont talk to you. If you are loved, you will meet new people and be better acquainted with them.

3 points

I'm opposing it because they went too far on where they put the cameras. They put the cameras in the locker room. Most of the athletes take showers and the camera is right next to the place where we get dressed and that makes us uncomfortable.

But in the other hand we need it in order to see evidence. like who started a fight or who vandalized the school.

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