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RSS Joser

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

All countries pollute the world, whether it is by dumping trash in a river or polluting the air with toxic gasses, so what gives developed countries the right to force developing countries to protect the environment when developed countries don't do it themselves? It's hypocritical. It's like a boss telling his employee to work when the boss himself isn't working at all. Not to mention, in order for a country to develop, they need to use all their resources in order to build the country into a developed country. For example, the U.S. cut down forests in order to make room for cities. Those cities helped the U.S. form into what is now one of, if not, the most developed country in the world. If developing countries can't cut down forests, they won't be able to develop. That would make the country a bad place to live and the citizens living in the country wouldn't be able to lead a good life compared to those of citizens in a developed country. So i say let them develop.

0 points

No, the pros do not outweigh the cons. We still have slavery cause by the US. For example, the US has workshops in other countries where they pay the workers less than minimum wage and claims the products were made in the US. Racism still occurs today with immigrants coming to America and deportation. Why do we deport those who seek freedom? Sure, some immigrants come here illegally, but they do it for freedom. If America fought and killed many people for freedom, then why do we deport people who just come into a country illegally? They didn't kill any people. My point is that what we went through back then is still going on right now. It didn't solve anything. All the problems are just coming back to bite us.

2 points

Schools not only kill creativity, they obliterate it. Most, if not all teachers have guidelines for their projects, making it more difficult for us to be creative. Plus, how can we think about creativity when we are bombarded with homework nearly every day? Most students don't have time to be creative with all the work they are given by their teachers. Even when we have projects, they STILL give us homework. It's as if the project isn't enough to worry about. Also, we can't wear what we believe is creative. Who knows, some people may find ripped clothing creative or mini skirts creative. It's all about what people thinks is creative.

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