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Poverty Wealth
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:31
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 Poverty (7)
 Wealth (4)

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Poverty versus Wealth

Is it better to be extremely poor but have at least one person you love and can trust or be outlandishly wealthy and not be able to trust anyone?


Side Score: 14
Winning Side!


Side Score: 11
3 points

Most of the people in the world want to live very well,but is more better to live poor and bilieve in a person that you love and thrust because that person can help you to go most far in your live and recive better things.I can't image to live rich and be alone so who could be with me or how could use the money if i don't have a person in which i can't thrust.You can image that?

Side: Poverty
3 points

What is the point of having money if you can't enjoy it with someone? For me love is the greatest thing humans are blessed with and can expirence. There is nothing better then having someone that will always be there for you in your ups and downs of life. When someone loves you they won't care about the money,cars, and whatever else money can get you. Dying alone is something no one should go throught and feel. Imagine going to were you ever go when you die and see that no one cared about you or even went to say goodbye. I know people are going to say they don't care because they have money but I know inside they do. Look at the rich people out there all of them get into problems,drugs, or kill themsevles because they have no one there for them.

Side: Poverty
2 points

I Think Its Better To Be Poor And Have The People You Love By Yourside Even Though Your Not Rich At Least You Have The People You Care About By Yourside. People That Are Rich Dont Live As Happy As The Poor People Do. You Can Be Very Poor And Be Happy It Doesnt Matter How Rich You Are Your Not Gonna Live A Good Life Just Because You Cant Trust No One Your Selfish And No One's Gonna Be By Yourside.

Side: Poverty
2 points

I think it is better to be poor and have someone to trust than be rich and not have anybody because being rich is not a bad thing but is in the circle of bad things. That is only because when you are truely rich and you have people around you. You start having these theories, and strange feelings that the people around you are stealing your money and taking your land or wealth away... Now if your poor you can like go around and hang around people, and trust them without having theories or feelings about them stealing your money because you know that they can trust you, and you can trust them

Side: Poverty
1 point

maybe most of the people some times prefere to be a rich person but in my opinion the money is not all in my life i prefere to have a person than i can thust and be poor that have that have a lot of money and cant thust to no body

Side: Poverty
1 point

I think its better to be poor and have at leats some one that you really trust. It don't really matter to be poor because you had find a person that really cares about you. been poor its sad but at the same time its better bacause you get help from other people that cares about people who needs it.

Side: Poverty
1 point

It's better to be poor and have somebody that you trust than been a rich person that no body would trust on you. Because sometimes you need a favor from someone. If you are rich they not going to help you but, if you are poor people then you would get the help from people that it is poor.

Side: Poverty
4 points

I would rather be wealthy because I can wake up everyday knowing where my next meal is coming from why be poor and make life harder than it already is I might be lonely and have to look over my shoulder all the time but having love is not going to help you see another day i know i might sound like im selfish but trust in myself is all I need

Side: Wealth
3 points

I'll be better to be wealthy with no one that you can trust or poor with someone you can trust because theres really no one you can trust better than your self. Im usually a hard working and independent person i dont need someone else. It's nice to have that person if its either boyfriend or friend but they usually come and go, it's rare when they stick around. Also im not into what people think of me im a very generous person i have so much planed for the poverty i dont only think about my self. I want to do so much for others as much as i want to do for myself. Its just nice to know you have something than nothing knowing you worked hard for it.

Side: Wealth
3 points

I would much rather be wealthy than be in poverty. Although i would choose wealth, a person you can trust is important. Unless you cant truly trust anyone,than there would be no logical reason to be poor and have somone trust you,when you will never trust anyone yourself. Trust is defined as a fiduciary relationship in which one person, known as a "trustee", holds title to property or assets for the benefit of another person, the beneficiary. Furthermore, you can still have friends and family just noone to share to quality of trust with.

Side: Wealth
1 point

i would want to be outsyandisly wealthy because im selfish on this argument. Because what if your loved one or one of your bestfriend let you down then what would you do or have. nothing or nobody on your side then where would you go. I might be lonely haveing money is better then haveing no money because you dont have to think about the rent or the bill's so you dont have to worry

Side: Wealth