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This personal waterfall shows you all of Slim's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

With what has been done to you, you can use that to get better, and use that as to get to where you want to be and have, which is freedom. Freedom can be what ever you want it to be, freedom really dont have a stopping point, but there is always consequences to everything everybody do. But you decide what its going to be, which is also your freedom to.

1 point

Obama is a good speaker and has good points of views. He really focus on how we do need money to get good education and to help the young, which is our future. I would vote for Obama because he really wants to help his country, all McCain talk about is how we do not need money, when we do, we are always round money.

1 point

Being respected get you noticed for the things you do and known for. Helping people and showing or telling them the write way to go is being respectful and other people will respect you for that and in return show you how they appreciate you for at least trying. with wealth you can just give the money and say figure it out youself, you wont get respect that way. Also if you have wealth, your friends or so call friends will stay and just hang out with you for your money, that is when you will see who your true friends and family are and who really respect you.

1 point

Batman is more heroic because he saves people and do things with out having super powers, having people look up to him for his greatness and the things he do. Not everybody is going to or can have super powers and everyday people do heroic things everyday jus like batman do.

1 point

I think school do kill creativity, because kids show their creativity through the way they dress and how they present themselevs. Also school limit on how far you can go with creatity, for example the volleyball team made a shirt about how they feel on how they play their game. But can not wear the shirt no more, because they JV parents thought the shirt was in apporitate. The Varsity really couldnt figure out what was wrong with the shirt.So I do think school do kill creativity.

-6 points
-3 points

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