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This personal waterfall shows you all of Parrisj's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

I see no reason to profile people. If you want to keep a terrorist of the plane, then you should just check everybody. A terrorist may be any race, height, or religion. Just check everybody's luggage and the person them self. Yes, it might take a long time but I'd rather it take a while than blow up on a plane because searching everyone was to time consuming.

0 points

If you are not getting the information you want, then you should just kill the person. Eventually, your torture will kill them anyways.

2 points

If students chose where they went to school, it will lead to the overpopulation of many schools. Thus, creating the demand of a bigger school, which means construction and that isn't cheap. More people will have to be highered to teach, discipline, and patrol the immense crowd of students. It could also cause other schools no one wanted to attend to shut down. It could be a waste of money for our already struggling economy.

1 point

I dont understand the example. I also dont understand the re-election idea.

3 points

Simple, if they benefit the country in their first term, then they deserve a chance at a second term.

5 points

Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes, the U.S. Citizens pay the taxes for the illegals, they shouldn't be able to come and live off American citizens illegally. It wouldn't kill them to go get some papers.

2 points

I'm for it because I hate that the school limits what we can wear. I want to be able to express myself creatively with any outfit I want to wear.

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