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This personal waterfall shows you all of Myshadow's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I would have to say yes if you have proof that would lead you to that one person than yes keep and eye on them but you shouldn't be able to if just a gut feeling. Privacy of people is important. So unless you have narrowed it down to that person he should not be monitored.

1 point

I would rather be father less it might sound bad but I dont want to think of my father as a lousy one. I would love my dad but it just wouldn't be the same if you had a bad father that just keep bringing you problems. You dont have to have a father you can talk to someone else. Maybe its just because I am girl it would be easier for me to talk to my mother.

1 point

I wouldn't turn in my spouse. The fact is that you have committed your life in the good and the bad times to this person. And you dont know that it wasn't in accident and how many times have you heard stories on the news of people coming out of jail for a crime that 30 years later because they found evidence proved that they were not guilty.

1 point

I believe that personal pursuit is the most important thing in your life because if you think of others all the time you will be putting yourself aside on your life your future. I know this sound selfish but unless you put your life on track you won’t be able to help others anyway. The thing is that you have to make sure that you are in the place you want to be and then you can help other people. The truth is that most of the time if your life is in a situation where you don’t feel good and you don’t feel confident you won’t be thinking about others for that moment until your life is on track.

1 point

Shakespeare's work is great yes its hard to understand but that is only because english was different back then but that doesnt mean that they dont have translaters that give our modern version. They are all really good stories and i dont see why would stop reading them.

1 point

The Race doesn't matter. You say that they both have good arguments but you know and then add the race issue just tell us that you are voting for that issue too. You should really look at the issues they want to improve not the race which is what you are doing.

2 points

Looking at the last eight years of our country. Our country has been through so many problems that it has been some-what out of control and our president hasn't even shown his face to the public since the Iraq war started. I believe that we need someone that will face the problems that this country has as the leader of this country not just sitting behind a desk. Obama has really shown the people of the United States that he can lead. He might not have as much experience as McCain but he understands the issues that this country has and he tells you the way he can resolve them with confidence. If you watch an Obama, McCain debate when Obama talks he tells you straight on what the problem is and what he would do to fix it but when McCain talks he goes around and around the Issue. We dont need another President Bush.

1 point

Batman is so much heroic than superman. Batman can actually fight people without any super powers he actually risk his life but superman is the "man of steel" so he really doesn't have that much to worry about. Batman puts himself in way more danger that superman so that makes Batman more heroic.

1 point

The creativity level that the schools has isn't very much teens should be able to express themselves. Most young adults want to be heard and feel like they can share their expressions with everyone and the school doesn't let you. I believe that creativity should be shared in which ever way you want. For example when you are assigned a project your teacher tells you everything she wants and she expect from your project you have a very low portion that is you.

1 point

Then why dont they just get the security guards to keep watch the doors instead of stopping people in the hallway?

-1 points

True but how many people really have a locker? and how many people would actually bring something valuable and not keep it with them at all times? its just not a smart thing to do.

-1 points

skipping is a problem but that doesn't mean that the need cameras in every little inch of the school they can find a different way that they can stop skipping and anyways if they really wanted not to be at school they would find somewhere to go before school even started

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