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This personal waterfall shows you all of Mayrao's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

For the safety of everyone in the airport, there should be really good security systems, and some of this systems may include use of profiling but there should not be taken to an extreme. I think that individuals with certain visible tattoos or certain things like that should be questioned more then average people. Because a lot of gangs or bad groups have/wear certain things to recognize themselves from everyone else and recognize each other. So there should be well trained staff to deal with that, checking if more then 2 people are wearing certain clothing or have certain visible marks. But there should not be strict profiling just because certain races.

I would not mind waiting between 2-3 hours before avording the plane, if it gives me a higher chance of living and not dying in a terrorist plane attack.

1 point

For the safety of everyone in the airport, there should be really good security systems, and some of this systems may include use of profiling but there should not be taken to an extreme. I think that individuals with certain visible tattoos or certain things like that should be questioned more then average people. Because a lot of gangs or bad groups have/wear certain things to recognize themselves from everyone else and recognize each other. So there should be well trained staff to deal with that, checking if more then 2 people are wearing certain clothing or have certain visible marks. But there should not be strict profiling just because certain races.

I would not mind waiting between 2-3 hours before avording the plane, if it gives me a higher chance of living and not dying in a terrorist plane attack.

1 point

Torture is justified in certain cases, but not in others. I don't believe in physical torture but I think that sometimes psychological torture is needed. When someone does something wrong, torture is justified. But I don't believe that physical torture helps at all. Like if someone does something really wrong and they are physically hurt because of it, they are not going to learn from their mistake. But if they do something wrong and they have to for example confess someone their crime then of course the criminal is not going to want to confess their crime and that's when the person investigating has to use psychological torture towards the criminal so they confess.

2 points

Students should not be allowed to attend the high school of their choice, unless a transfers is accepted or they pass an audition/qualification test for those certain schools that have different career programs available. Any high school should be made up of all different types of students. A recognized school is a school with great qualities, and one of those qualities include that they made a positive impact on students. Like for example if a school had low TAKS scores one year and then the next year the whole faculty works hard and they improve their scores a lot. If a public high school only accepts students with really good grades and citizenship, it's not being fair to other public high schools that have to deal with students with bad citizenship, low grades, and not enough motivation. For teachers it would be a lot easier to work at a school where they don't have to put an extra effort to motivate their students, compared to normal high school teachers that most of the time they have to put an extra effort motivating students to work harder. For example, Macarthur last year's choir director, Mr. D'Spain, got offered a job at Booker T. Washington, a school that just accepts students with high grades, citizenship and talents in the fine Arts; and although he loved working at Mac he took that job because in there he wouldn't have to deal with students grades or citizenship and as a choir member it was a great loss for Mac's choir department.

3 points

Illegal immigrants that cause or have caused problems in the country should be deported back to their native country, but not illegal immigrants that actually work hard to make the economy of where they live better. If an immigrant gets arrested for whatever reason or gets stopped by a cop and is found doing something wrong, i believe they should get deported because it's really not fair for the country to have to deal with more trouble makers than what it already has. But I really think that the governmet should help those that just come here to work hard and get the low paying jobs that nobody else wants. They should be forced to pay their taxes if they want to become citizens one day and so that it's fair to everyone else.

1 point

Although developing countries may not like for developed countries to force them to protect the environment, it is the best thing to do for all living things. Developed countries have more capital to do researches and they know what is the best thing to do,scientifically, for the world rather then countries that are barely developing. This might be offensive to the developing countries, but hopefully even though they're not very developed, they should be smart enough to listen to what the developed countries have to say and realize they most likely have a point. For this to happen, I think developed countries should be very respectful to them, explain their argument, and show them the reasearches they have done to try to convince them to help in the argument and help preserve the earth. No one likes to be forced to do things, but a smart person listens and should decide what's best for them and for the rest of the world. And if they don't agree to protect the environment then yes they should be forced because the environment doesn't just involve them, but it involves the whole world. For example other countries shouldn't let that countries that have a lot of contamination continue having it, because later it will not only affect just that country but everyone else around.

1 point

One must go through different experiences in life and learn from their mistakes, in order to become a better person. And it's the same for a country. Nothing in this world is absolutely perfect, so you just have to learn from the past and hope for a better future. Yes a lot of our people suffered in the past due to unjustice and other issues, but if it wouldn't been thanks to them, our country wouuld not be what it is now. Thanks to their mistakes and suffrages, we've learned how to live better. And if you think about it, that's exactly what America's ancestors seeked, they wanted to make a change in life. For example, they didn't want future generations to have slavery, people knew they were risking their life fighting for their country, etc. But eventhough most of the time they were forced to do things in very unjust ways, I think if they lived right now they would say that it was worth all that they went through, for their grandchildren or future generations to have what they have now. And for us as now, we can just be very thankful to all the people that suffered for us to have a better country.

2 points

Although we have a lot of restrictions, schools don't necesarily "kill" creativity. Yes, you need to follow certain rules and instructions but you still get chances to show your creativity and personality. Like for example, we often have projects in some classes that you can create whatever you want, as long as it goes with the subject of the project. With those type of projects, the teacher gives you a topic and you use your creativity to create whatever you come up with. But of course they're a lot of exceptions to that, some teachers give you numerous amount of instructions to do a project that it does kills your chance to expand your creativity because it gives boundaries to your imagination.

But actually I believe there's no yes or no answer because when it comes to projects and school work, the limitation in your creativity depends on the teacher. They decide how much creativity they will let you put on the project or whatever it is. So at the end you dont have a lot of power over your creativity at school because you have authorities.

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