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-1 points

Good points. The feared person will never know their flaws or what they could correct. Everyone would be to fearful of what they may do to them, so the person "fearing" them may be pretending to be someone other than who they are to please the person.

4 points

Human's have a need to be loved, no matter who they are. With fear it may be nice in some ways, but not overall. I think people need the love of others, to love others, and to express feelings in life; it's what keeps us going. With fear it makes it hard to connect on a deeper level, or to show who you truly are. Sure you'll get more respect, but the feeling of being respected will grow weary, and sooner or later you'll need the feeling of being loved.

2 points

I don't think the students are that civilized... they run down the hall shouting and jumping and what not. That's more of what goes on on animal planet.

0 points

The only place teachers can't be where you are is in the bathroom stall pretty much.... and I don't think many fights go on in there.

2 points

Yeah, people do really dumb stuff in school, but all those cameras are just coming out of the tax payers money. (Our parents income) and do you think it's really helping? We've got guards in every hall... I think they should be able to see if a student is doing something bad or not.

No. Students will be who they are, and no matter whether a camera or an administrator is watching they are liable to commit any act of violence or inappropriate act. It shouldn't be left up to technology to threatened and scare students, but people, the ones who get paid for watching over us. The tax payers of the local community already pay so much for our schooling, laptops, free lunches, and etc that we can't afford to put forth any more money into cameras and more technological devices. The interests of the the school board has seemed to switch from the education of the students to protecting and disciplining children, when that's not their position. It's about time they start doing their job of giving us the best education possible and stop worrying about the ones who care less about school and try to start fights and problems.

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