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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lahlah's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

It's better to be fatherless. Having a lousy father creates a bigger gap in your life than being fatherless. It is a proven fact that if you're a girl, you'll look for someone to be your other half that's similar to your father. Having a lousy father, for a girl, would mean having a lousy boyfriend as well. By having no father you don't have to worry about how terrible they are and all you have to do is ponder how amazing your dad could have been. Wondering what could have been is better than wondering how much better it could be.

1 point

I believe personal pursuit is better. If you can't help yourself first, how will you be able to help other people? I believe you must better yourself before you can start changing other people's lives. If people didn't go to college to become doctors and scientists first, we would have never found cures to half the diseases we know of today. If teachers didn't go to college first, we wouldn't be taught with such knowledge as we do now and the whole generation would mentally deteriorate to mush. You must help yourself before you can help others. It's just another fact of life.

2 points

Shakespeare should continue to be taught at a high school level because he has made monumental literature steps that has altered the way plays, sonnets, poems, and even stories were written. Without Shakespeare there would be far less great works for kids to study in high school, therefore we should study him.

0 points

Freedom is defined as "the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint," according to When life throws you a lemon, you make lemonade, right? That's basically what this means to me. When something goes wrong in your life, you deal with it. This making you free from the restraints of complaints, worries, and sorrows. It's freedom of self.

1 point

McCain is right in saying you can't just throw money at the problem, on the line of education he is right again for stating that some of the worst schools academically get more money and they're still not improving, and Obama has been making many huge promises. In past cases when America was promised big goals (like Obama has done), we never get what we were told. Also, not to be hurtful, but the KKK is not completely gone. If Obama was elected then we'd have the VP take over. Nobody wants Obama to be assassinated, but it's something that would most likely happen. As much as race shouldn't be a problem, it still is. I personally wouldn't vote for either, but I see McCain as the better between the two choices.

1 point

It's better to be respected because if you're respected people actually treat you right compared to if you had money people would use you. With money you'd have to worry who's really you're friend and who's a "gold digger". With respect people admire you and the things you do.

0 points

To start, Superman was around first. He was the person who saved people from world-dominating criminals back in the day of black and white TV. Superman didn't wear armor, he really did fly, he even battled through tragedies with kryptonite. Sure, Superman does have powers and Batman used technology on his side. Superman didn't have to mask his face. He just kept on the "DL" all the time in his real life. That's a true hero.

2 points

We all know the bathroom outside Mr.Lambert's room is the place where people smoke and get high. In turn, our school has set up video surveillance to watch what's going on. When kids start fights, our administrators can look back on the tapes to see who started it instead of the old fashioned "he -said-she-said" mess. You never get in trouble for texting on your phone if you're alone in the hallways just cause there are cameras all over the place. They are only used when necessary for the circumstances. Cameras just watch us, not rat us out unless we did some terrible ordeal. Or how about when students vandalize, they want to be able to catch them or atleast try to. Who really wants "Marcus Birch has great sex" written on the bathroom stalls? Administrators and some students are tired of stupid, immature people in our schools. Video surveillance can help.

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