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This personal waterfall shows you all of Julbecerra's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with this argument. I think it's our choice to be free or not. People can try to hold you back or try to take it away from you but it's always going to be there. I guess it just depends on how much you want it. Are you willing to die for your freedom or are you going to let it go to live?

1 point

Being wealthy comes with being well respected. If someone is wealthy then obviously you have tried hard to get yourself there. People respect that and most of the time people with lots of money are well respected. I'd rather be both than just one.

1 point

It's better to be loved, usually people that fear you are so afraid they will tend to do and think of stupid and scary things to do to you. If you're loved they won't think that way, because they love you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you.

1 point

Video surveillance is needed everywhere. Just because it's a school and most of the time it's safe, every once in a while something might pop off. And the main people need to know what's going on around the school, to keep it safe all the time not just most.

1 point

Where would you rather be if you're waiting for your parents? In school, safe, with other people or by yourself in the middle of the street. There's crazy people out there.

2 points

Sometimes people are just out of luck and can't get out of the school premises within 30 minutes. It's different when people don't care and just hang around the school for no reason. Instead of giving the person a ticket the first time and then giving them a ride the second. It should be the opposite, get a ride first and next time get a ticket.

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