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This personal waterfall shows you all of Juaventura's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The government should check on people if they are doing suspicious things that no one knows about, because they are just protecting everyone from being killed and they should arrest the person because they mith be a tarorrist, but if that person is just doing a project even if it looks suspicious to the government they should ask what you are doing with it and what you are using it for.

1 point

I say that the mentally insane who have commit crimes should go to trial because they are criminals because they could kill someone again and should go to jail, but theres does who are mentally insane who just have problems and need help.

2 points

Men make better leaders than women. Because Obama is a men and is the president he has to have leadership to be a president. When it comes to stuff things men dont do, thats were women are better leaders than men. A leader can be any one, you just got to take responsability.

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