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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jesjones's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I thinkl that profiling would be very useful to airport officials because it would decrease the number of aatacks. It shouldn't be based on their color or their ethanicy, but on their criminal background. If they had like murder convictions or carring illegal weapons, then they shouldn't be allowed through. Also another way is by symbols. Like a known terroist group has a specific color of clothes they wear or a design on their skin could help to.

2 points

I don't think justice is ever justified. People usually tortue people to get information,just to have fun, or even get back at that person. Say that the government tortured a person that they thought had some vital information about a bombing threat on the U.S.,and then after the torture they found out that the person was never involved in the planning. The government just scared someone's life because of a mistake. Even though you torture a person, you might not still get that information that you want.There's other ways in order to get either get information or get back at a person instead of having them go through pain and suffering.

2 points

In my opion students should pick the high school they attend. Students learn and work better if they are in an inviroment they feel comfortable in. Kids that go to a school where their friends go, can study and learn with people they know. If a student, went to a school they didn't want to go to, they would be as intested in learning if they went to a school where they knew people.

1 point

I think presidents shouldn't be allowed more than two terms. If we elect a person that we think is good but, then find out he ain't, then we can't do nuthan about it until the next election. Like George Bush, he got the better of the votes because he had good ideas for America,but when he got into office, he did more worse than good. We couldn't do anythang about it because it wasn't time to reelect aagin.I think it would be better to have just two terms rather than more than two.

0 points

I support the deportion of illegal immigrants because if they really wanted to be an American they should go through all of the test that other immigrants took. It's not fair to those who had worked sp hard to become one of us. When they do get over here, they don't go by our rulse or regulations,they think that they can just take an advantage of their freedom.

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