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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jaspatane's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Some people may say that having no father at all is better than having a lousy father. I agree with both of these statements. I think a lousy father could indeed hurt you and make your life hard, but he still stuck around to even be a lousy father. You have to give him some credit there. I also believe that not having a father at all could be a benifit but also a negative thing. You never see a child without a father running wild and saying i dont miss my father, hes never been around so i dont care about him. No, you don't. A child will always ponder the thought of who his dad is, what does he do, and why hes not around, and that could destroy a child's life. Leave them cold hearted and depressed andpissed off at the world. A lousy father is better than one who does not even stick around. so although i agree with both statements. I would much rather have a lousy father than not one at all.

1 point

i agree because the choice you make after something happens to you either good or bad is your choice.

2 points

I strongly believe in that Obama should be the next president because to me, electing mccain is like having another george bush in office. I dont want the next 4-8 years to be like the last. Obama will bring us out of our downfall of our economy and stabilize us once again.

0 points

i feel that it is better to be well respected than wealthy. If a person has money but has no friends because he is not a well respected individual, than he will ultimately be miserable. i would much rather be happy and be respected by others, than to have money and have no one to to be there for me.

1 point

i think batman is more heroic because he was not given special powers to protect people. He had to learn how to save peoples life, and has to learn how to take pain and still save lives. He goes out every night knowing tonight could be the night he dies. He can't take a bullet in the chest and survive, but he takes more time and puts out more effort to saves lives. He actually puts his life 2nd behind other peoples life!

1 point

I believe that schools do kill creativity in student. Self expresion at MacArthur high school is rejected. The students in school can not fully express themselves, they do not feel the freedom they deserve thus, killing any creativity they might have inside their mind. To me, this is a death to our future. If the schools are killing creativity in the students, how are they suppose to run our future. Without creativity, we would not have electricity. I don't know about you but tieing a key to a kite during a thunder storm is pretty creative. Where would we be today if school killed the creativity that benjamin franklin had. Schools should let kids express themselves how they want to. You never know what could happen. Just because u let one kid express himself, he might become the person who finds a cure for a disease. The schools are just dumb and need to worry more about how the teachers are teaching than what students are wearing....

2 points

hey chavez and enoc, what would you guys do if your laptop got stolen from the lunch room. wouldn't you guys want to look at the cameras to see who took it.

-1 points

why should we wait for the crime rate goes up. why not stop it before it happens. without the cameras, the crime rate will go up and than it would be too late. its better to prevent something than wait til it happens.

0 points

i think the level of security at schhol is needed because it protects people from getting hurt. also if someone gets blamed for doing something that they really didnt do, than the only way to be able to kinow if that person is lieing or not is to check the security cameras. with out the surveillance everyone would be fighting, or stealing, or doing things that should not be done in school. security cameras in school help the school know whats going on even when there are not any teachers around....

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