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1 point

If you do something that wrong or makes majority of the people feel like you need to get watched then i think you should. They should be happy that their not gettin takin to jail or anything worse than that. So if thet have a problem with being watched then they nrred to jus go to jail.

1 point

It would be better to have a lousy father than to not a have a father at all. If you were to grow up with out a father you would always have that empty void feeling about it. And if your father is lousy it helps you strive to be better than him. It could also cause you to start being responsible faster because the father isn't taking care of business. Like me and my brother, my father is lousy but I'm still happy i know who he is. Just because i cant imagine wondering about it.

1 point

No. I would not turn my spouse in. I would try to convince him to do the right thing and turn his own self in. But i dont see it as my place to go and turn him in. but it also depends on the reason behind him killing someone. it just cant be some random killing because i would turn him in for that for the fact that i would think that i would be next to get killed.

1 point

Well me personally I think advancement of the common good is better. I don't really know how to back this up, I just know its the way i feel about the topic. I guess because I'm not a selfish person at all when it comes to anything. I believe in sharing and helping others out. So if there's something i have to sacrifice personally for the advance of the common good, 9 times out of 10 I'm going to do it.

1 point

Yes, I think Shakespears work should be continued to be taught at a high school level. I feel like his work is a slight challenge to get tenneagers minds stimulated but its not to hard for them to get lost and confused. Its a good amout of challenge. And if it was anything harder they just wouldnt try.

1 point

i think Obama would make the bette president just for the fact of how it want to connect with the people.Most of the time when you think of a president you think of someone who is up all high and mighty and jus makes decisions for us. And assumes whats the right thing for the people While Obama has been there and sees most thing from our point.I just dont see how someone could really understand poverty in the people unless you have been there and knows whats wrong with the system.Another reason i would vote for Obama is because hes all about the young people. Young people are the future so they are the ones who needs to be focused on and convinced about certain things

1 point

good job!!!

i agree

2 points

I think its better to be wealthy because theres no way you can loose with being wealthy. I feel like most people are going to respect you because their gona want to be around you. There are some things that can be lost with wealth but it all depends on the type of person you are, and what you do with your wealth.

1 point

I think superman is more heroic because he actually goes out in the streets and saves peoples lives because its the right thing to do with th powers that he was born with.While batman is only doing this because of a personal affair that he has with the villian.

1 point

I think it better to be loved bacause if people love you then they wont mind doing things for you. Yall would have that mutual relationship and respect for one another. And know that yall could count on each other.

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