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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jacobjacob3's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

I believe that we should be monitored to an extent. If the government were to monitor the important things then it should not matter. If a person has done some wrong doing then they should be caught. And if that means invading someone's privacy then so what.

2 points

I would turn my spouse in if they committed murder. I would not want my wife to turn on me and kill me. If I found out that she had killed someone I would be gone. You can't love a person if they are not the person that you fell in love with. And I wouldn't fall in love with a murderer.

2 points

Obviously everybody wants to say that they would help mankind, the world or save the city, but only a small percent of people would actually do this. I honestly would like to help mankind. I would like to save the world, but I'm posting under personal pursuit because I do not know what I would do in one of these situations.

Anyway, if people did believe in the advancement of the common good all of the economical cars and factories wouldn't just now be made. These inventions would have come out as soon as the theory of global warming came out.

2 points

I believe in this statement. Everybody has had something done to them that has maade them recipricate to what has happened. If there wasn't anything to react to, why would you be looking for freedom. you would already be free.

2 points

It's obviously more important to be well respected than to be wealthy. When you are respected you have a good warm filling inside. I don't know about everybody else, but I love to have that warm filling in my heart. Being respected by family, friends and teachers gives me the feelings that money can't give you. Money is weighed way to much in this day and time and if respect was weighed just as much, the world would be a better place.

4 points

Superman has weaknesses. Batman doesn't. If you were to do the math, Batman is puting himself in danger every foe he faces. One wrong move and he could be dead. On the other hand, superman has one true weakness. If a bullet were to hit him he wouldn't budge. Yes, he puts himself in danger but when you think about it, who is the true hero?

2 points

If you are loved because you are feared, are you really loved at all. If everybody fears you nobody loves you and no one can live a life without love.

6 points

The surveillance cameras are needed because they catch the criminals when something goes missing. Also with cameras the "he said, she said," doesn't apply.

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