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This personal waterfall shows you all of Elexisr's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

In 2001 tragedy struck America and changed our views of Muslim people. Now we are engaged in a war with Mid western countries. Yes, 9/11 was a defining moment in our country but that does not justify profiling. If the airports continue to profile and pick out terrorist wouldn't they start to dress and act different? There is no definite way to determine who is a terrorist, and offending people isn't going to help the case.

4 points

Torture is never justified. Though practiced is many countries all over the world, it shouldn't be. Torture is wrong morally and ethnically wrong. Should that fall under cruel and unusual punishment? One of the amendment to the constitution states no cruel and unusual punishment but we even practice it at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. No one should practice it but it usual is. It leaves people scarred and scared and psychological damaged. Its never necessary because if someone is truly concealing important information they will take it to the grave if its important enough.

2 points

Poverty is a problem here in America and the only solution is education. Education is what African Americans fought for and won. I believe if there is a better high school than the one you are currently attending enroll in it. Colleges don't run on school districts and people come from all around to got a specific college. High school is supposed to get the students ready for college so they should treat it like college and not limit the schools by districts. The smartest students sometimes can not function in a regular school environment ,some act out, and others are bored with their work. If the school can not reach the child intelligence and support the child than the child should have the opinion to choose a school that can.

3 points

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.... This is a statement about the Statue of Liberty. If we are telling all of these people to come to America land of the free, why are we so surprised when they come? I dont believe we should

1 point

England, America, Spain, and France were all young developing countries once, so why should they be able to bully other devolping countries. Yes I know that pollution is bad, and that its going to take every countries efforts to save the planet. But, not providing aid to other countries that are trying to develop and killing hundreds of thousands of people is not the way to go about it. When the countries listed above were developing no one bullyed them around. Just because some of the developed countries have been messing up the environment doesnt mean they will make the same mistakes.

2 points

Ships traveling across the ocean; dead rotting corpses on board with more dying everyday. Being whipped and worked to the bone for no pay and little to no respect. Racism (a small but important issue) against the very people that helped make this nation so great. Also with trying to make this nation great, we have put ourselves in debt. A debt so great that now we are in a recession. All the bloodshed, tears, and all of the bonebreaking work i say that cons outweigh the pros. We are still fixing some of the problems form hundreds of years ago. Yes we have freedom and yes we have our opinions, but at what cost?

1 point

I believe that schools do kill creativity. Any thing that a student might find creative or shows their identity they are against. Such as piercings I find that beautiful and the creativity is in the rings and the other things you can do with them.To me that shows who you are. Also the school dress code, they don't allow you to wear what you feel as creative such as ripped or destroyed pants.

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