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This personal waterfall shows you all of Cansaunders's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

When you travel on an airplane you want to feel safe. You do not want to feel threated or have a thought that something terrible might accrue when you are thousands of miles in the air.

But in order to prevent all of that, and to be close to 100% sure nothing will happen, the airport officials should be allowed to use profiling. As long as they check everyone, and not just certain select people. Some people may feel the officials are being racist by selecting just them. one person in a line of fifty going through security. It may be time consuming , but would u rather be on the airplane that the terrorist is on and not know it, or would you rather stand in line a little bit longer, and know that you will have a safe flight.

2 points

Suppose you wanted to go some where but you couldn't cause you weren't of that knid. You were not of that select group , so you were told to go away.Thats in a way like illegal immagrants. More than likely illegal immigrants came to America in search of freedom, or a better lifestyle of living then the one they had. Nevertheless just because they have choosen to live in this country does not mean we should deport them. Yet give them a chance to earn there living like everyone else. But in oposistion, I don't think illegal immigrants should be allowed to live here by living under the law , such as not paying taxes. In a way they are living off of what we work for.

1 point

Developed countries have had time to grow and to produce a government system and an economy.They have had time to make changes and find out what works best with their environment. On the other hand develpoing countries are just starting out. Their economy may not be as strong or as complete as fully developed country.They may not have everything conformed yet . They should not be demanded to start protecting their environment in the early stage in the developing of their country.

3 points

I think the trials in America are the same as the positives. In america, in order to be where we are today,numerous people had to undergo many situations.Such as salves who were bought over from africa were made to work in fields and farmlands without any pay.Most of the time they labored in hot conditions. In addition many native Americans, we removed from their native home land, and fourced to relocate else where.

But on the contrary, although many people suffered, so we can enjoy the life we have today ,life in America is fairly good. We have freedom of speech, and the right to vote. America, is also colorful and cultural country becouse many people have migrated over here. starting form Christaphor Columbus , Lewis and Clark. It does matter what we endured to get here, but what really matters is what we make of what we have.

2 points

No ,i don't believe that schools kill creativity.On some occasions schools can create creativity, .Teachers and students may inspire you in some way, which builds on your creativity.By being able to view other peoples apparences, showing their personality, showing you a new look, expanding on your creativity.

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