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This personal waterfall shows you all of Allinflores's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I belive that the government shouldn't secretly monitor suspicious individuals because it's taking our analiable rights from us. We are all equal in this country and it's not right for the government to invade our privacy. If we let the government do this, they will have the opportunity of taking more of our rights and corrupt us.

1 point

I would rather have a lousy father than being fatherless because I would at least have the tranquility of knowing who my father is than spending my whole life wondering who he was. If I was to grow up fatherless I would grow with an emptiness in me. I would prefer growing up with a lousy father and learn from his mistakes than not having a father at all.

1 point

I would rather have a lousy father than being fatherless because I would at least have the tranquility of knowing who my father is than spending my whole life wondering who he was. If I was to grow up fatherless I would grow with an emptiness in me. I would prefer growing up with a lousy father and learn from his mistakes than not having a father at all.

1 point

If my husband committed murder I wouldn't turn them in because I know he must have had a good reason to do it. Everybody makes mistakes in this world and this would be a wrong decision he took. I love him and I feel that in love we should be by your partner throught the thick and thin no matter what. I wouldn't want my husband to be in jail.

1 point

I believe that personal pursuit is better because in order to help others you have to help yoursel first. I also think that if you are happy with yourself and enjoy helping others you have the confidence and strength to help the outside world while satisfying yourself. For example, someone wants to succeed in life and through that he achieves his goals, whenever he is already succesful and with money he decides to help others.

1 point

I agree for Shakespeare's works to be continued at the high school level because he is a great part of literature and the sooner we learn from him the more beneficial it is for us. Also, if we learn about him now our minds will be more understandable into Shakespeare's writing. It may be a challenge for us but that will be very useful for us in the future.

1 point

I support the quote because I think that we have freedom to do anything but there are some things that do come in life that we can't help. From there we get the freedom to decide what we would like to do then.

-2 points
1 point

No, i don't think it is right to put a time limit of 30 minutes because sometimes our rides come in late or an emergency may have occurred that have caused us to wait a little longer than we expect. I think that they should AT LEAST make the time limit longer so people can have a chance to wait for a ride or something.

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