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Tcachay6's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tcachay6's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Some women do make good leaders, but the reality is that men are the leaders. through out history women have been underestimated by not having the right to vote or work hard jobs, or even play sports. men have been leading this world for hundreds of years. I think that men are still leaders because they are a bit more confident in their decisions and can handle dramma better then women can. its not that women arent capable of running things, its just that everyone is just used to men running things. Women have been rising up and standing up for themselves though, still there are more male leaders then female. I think it will stay like that for many years to come.

3 points

Torture is not good, if you were to torture someone that would make you a really bad person. And just think about it you torture some one now but what goes around comes around. sooner or later somethng similar in pain will happen to the person that tortures the victim.

2 points

if you are wealthy some will respect you maybe because of what you did to become wealthy, but if you arent humble about yourself then there is no way to get respect not even with money.

3 points

When youre loved by someone you know they will wallways be there to help you, like your parents. No matter how bad you mess up your parents will never leave because they will allways love you. If youre feared the only thing that you will experiense is solitude.

2 points

i say no because you come to school to increase your creativity.

thats what electives are for.

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