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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jommario's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think the government should be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals. It is just for the safety of others and who knows these suspicious individuals could be planning to kill someone, they can prevent that. Also, what is there to hide? You shouldn't be worried about the government watching you if you didn't do anything wrong.

1 point

I rather be fatherless then having a lousy father because of this is that I wouldn't want to know how lousy he is and how bad he is of being a father. Being alone with just a mother is fine with me. It's just how I am. I wouldn't want to have a alcohlic father who drinks on the couch all day and curses my mother. It's just plain and simple, I have a good father or don't have a father at all even though he his still in the house, I wouldn't call him my father at all.

1 point

Its kinda both yes and no, but mostly yes because i wouldn't want one of my spouse that has committed murder in my house or anywhere near my loved ones even though it was an accident. It would still cause problem to everyone. I would likely turn him in unless he moves out of state, anywhere away from Texas I'm fine with it.

1 point

I believe its best advancing towards the common good, but it doesn't really exist in this world. Mostly everyone is greedy, selfish, only would care about what they want, and not caring about what others would want. I believe everyone have small feeling towards the common good, but most people think they are important than anyone else in the whole world.

3 points

We should continue studying about Shakespeare's work because it shows the most amazing plays made by himself and also shows about how complex love and poetry really is back then. Also if you're an actor or trying to be one. Shakespeare is great to study of how they act and show tragedy, love, disaster, and etc...

2 points

The reason its batman is because he risks his own life to defend the weak as in for superman he cant die by a bullet. Sure superman is great. Thats why he is a SUPERHERO not hero. two different things about superhero and hero. Therefore Batman is more heroic than Superman

1 point

i disagree, if you express yourselves in clothing,

and they do not like the clothing you are wearing

its YOUR creativity that can change that. Like wearing different things can make your creativity expand more than it is.

1 point

Schools can't kill creativity. Its not the schools fault that your creativity is destroyed, it is YOU that destroyed your creativity. Teachers may expand your creations by using some guide lines to challenge you. Yes, it may be difficult and you disapprove with the rules, yet that's what makes your creativity stronger than it is right now.

2 points

It is needed ,but it is uncalled for using numerous camera's.

Alot of camera's are great for security, but its just dumb putting alot of camera's in one place and it's probably expensive installing the camera's. So its affecting the schools money for installing unneeded camera's.

2 points

rascist much...?

0 points

No lek. Cheese Wiz.

i disagree

2 points

Thirty minutes is a crazy time. Students need more time to get their rides and have a few minutes of time to talk. It don't make sense how we have to leave the event with in 30 minutes. We came to the event to support it and now the Vice Principle's want us to leave with in 30 minutes as soon as the event is done? It's not right. Parents could have live 30 minutes away from the event. This is like saying after you are don't eating at a restaurant you have 30 minutes to leave the restaurant. It's just 10 gallons of stupid.

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