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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jinwook's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Airports should use profiling to prevent attacks because it may be the best way to prevent them. Stopping every person who rides a plane would take up to much time while ignoring signs of a terrorist endangers passengers. So profiling is the way to go a prime example where profiling could have prevented an attack is the Christmas bombing. The Daily show said that the Christmas bomber followed he same characteristics of the previous shoe bomber. He carried no luggage had only a one way ticket and paid in cash if the airports simply profiled people with those characteristics the whole risk could have been avoided.

3 points

Torture is never justified people only believe it's justified due to their emotion. If a person were to have their child murdered they would want the murderer to die in the most painful way possible they would want to torture them until they have felt the pain they have. But some one from country far away would think of it nothing more than another death. Like the case of Madalyn Murry the woman who protested the reading of Gensis during the Apollo 8's orbit. She was the most hated person in America and was eventually chopped in to many tiny pieces, but a person only felt that was just because she went all out against their religion which they were very emotionally atached too. She may have deserved to be killed due to her malice towards religion in a mostly Christan state but not tortured.

4 points

Children should be able to choose which school to go to because some schools give different opportunities than others. Take for example the difference between the Academy and Macarthur. The Academy has more opportunities in fields like medical work or cooking but has no music program of it's own, while Macarthur has many music classes. So if a child were decided to learn to become a Doctor he or she would choose to go to the Academy and if they wanted to become a musician they would choose Macarthur. But if they had no choice and were left to go to the closest school they could be stuck a Nimitz, sad and unfulfilled

1 point

But there are people who believe celebrities should have more time that their true potential can be achived if they were just given more time. For example a president deploys a plan that should achieve peace but is set over ten years so when he is forced to resign from power the next president may just scrap the whole plan do to his own veiw of how it should be done.

2 points

Yes but only if they truly deserve the chance. Rather to keep a munificent president then take the chance at gaining a misanthrope. There has already been cases where unfortunate events could prehaps been avoided like The Trail of tears, if Adams stayed in power the problem could have been solved another way.

5 points

Illegal immigrants should be deported for obvious reasons. First they fill up jobs that could be given to rightful citizens. Secondly they don't pay taxes because they arn't in the city's system as a citizen. But there are exceptions some immigrants do pay taxes and live like a normal citizen in which case have no logical reason to be deported. So all who don't fall into that exeption should be deported.

1 point

The develped countries should force them to some extent. The country will be put in a different situation where it has develop more enviormentally. It will be put in a sink or swim situation where it can swim and develop new advancments or it can begin to sink where the lack of focus in the people and more on the enviorment, but thats when the develpoed country comes in and provides assistance, by taking care of the people so they can continue to make enviormental advances.

1 point

From what I have seen in my 12 years in America I have learned about terrorist attacks, war, and depression but also that people fought, died, and suffered to make America what it is today so I cannot help but wonder how the world would have turned out if things happened differently, if America had not been made. I side with no because I what has been but not what could have been

1 point

I believe shools kill creativity because it puts the students in mundane cycles that the repeat over and over for days, along with the rules they apply restricts the students choices and freedoms which over time slowly kills their creaive minds.

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