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RSS Nathanto

Reward Points:23
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Exactly what I wanted to say. They're some voters who would want a female president, but unfortunately most of the voters choose to have a male president. I'm confused as to why you disputed?

2 points

Yes, back then, women couldn't even vote! They had woman suffragists leaders such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who did their very best to allow women the right to vote

nathanto(23) Clarified
1 point

There's not really any evidence needed, all the time on TV commercials, there has to be a male in a professional sport advertising. Since these people are so popular, a lot of companies use them to drag in their customers to purchase their product.

nathanto(23) Clarified
1 point

Honestly, it's really up to people, not so much the government.

0 points

Not exactly. Especially when it comes to sports, you see on commercials famous basketball players such as LeBron James and Kobe Bryant who get paid millions just to be in that commercial. When the famous male superstars in sports such as basketball, football, and baseball sign with a company like Nike, or under Armour, they get paid millions on the contract. On the other hand, in the Women's NBA, they're barely and fans at the game, the most high-paid player get 1 million a year and they have no commercials, and barely sign with huge companies. The most high-paid player in the NBA gets paid close to 30 million a year!

1 point

I strongly would have to disagree. When it comes to government, such as a president it matters by the VOTERS not the government. It's not their fault that the voters want men to be our president, it's the voters fault.

-1 points

Yes that's true but I said men are more likely to have full-time jobs. Women can too but it's more likely to see men.

2 points

Yes, I totally agree with you. Studies have shown men have the tendency to be more hard-working then woman, which allows them to have higher salaries. You also have to understand, woman have responsibilities when it comes to cleaning, cooking, and taking care of their children. While men aren't exactly responsible to work around the house, only working hard and providing the food and care for the family.

5 points

I agree with all of you, It doesn't matter about you physical characteristics, if you set your mind on something you will accomplish your goal and become a great person.

1 point

Yes Deniz, I agree very much about what you're saying. It's truly not the government fault anymore, they did all they could do It really comes down to the choices women make, our economy is not sexist. Women are thought to being looked down upon on economic standards but that's because of them quitting and taking care of their families.

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