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RSS Lek18

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I would want a lousy father. No matter how lousy he may be he's still alive and is the person who brought you into the world and took care of you when you where a young one. Lousiness isn't as bad as not having a father I mean would you like to think about your father because he's dead. Death takes away lots of things. I mean when your dad is around you think to yourself yea I can live without him but you don't want to be the one that says my father died when everyone else is speaking about how good there father is or how lousy he is.

1 point

I wouldn’t be in a situation like this to began with. Because my spouse wouldn't be someone that would brake the law. But if some how she just had the urge to brake the law and told me about it I would first help here clean up the scene or find a place to hide what she took if that’s the case. I mean when you have a spouse there your spouse because you love them and love is the strongest thing in the world. Love makes people do things they wouldn’t normally do.

1 point

There once was a rapper who said he was the people's Champ. When wanting to be successful sometimes you need to worry about the common good because that’s what people want. I believe that advancing the common good is a better endeavor. Because when always thinking about your self and your personal pursuits you tend to become conceited and become an A hole. And an A jerk is a person that’s not liked and when alone and not liked by others becomes lonely.

1 point

Yes. Because history is ment to be tought so that we present day people could knw how things developed and how they were. I mean the reason we have a history class is because we need to learn the past so that we wont repeat it today. So when we learn about shakespeare we are learning the great things that happend so that we could honor those great ones and try to follow in there foot steps and achive somthing as great as what they too achived.

0 points

Mr. Webb this isent some im page. this is a profitional web. Do you see why people don't like thugs. because of these shananagans you put on this page

-1 points

We didnt ask for steps bro.

-5 points
0 points

Just because you are a thug and you dnt like the police. doesnt mean that the police is inconsiderate

-2 points
-4 points
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