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RSS Adairj18

Reward Points:9
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes, I agree, but that isn't how it based right now. You have to remember women get 77 cents compared to every dollar men earn. Right now, it isn't based on how hard you work but instead if you are a man or woman.

2 points

Women are almost 50 percent of the workforce but still are not earning as much as men. More women even graduate from college each year then men, yet men still earn more. Studies in 2012 show a inequality wage gap of 22 percent of how much men earned compared to women. What do you call this? Discrimination? Fair? When two people are doing the exact same job and not earning the same amount, that is not fair! Women have to fight for everything they earn; for example the 19th Amendment.

2 points

If you think women and men are equal, then why do women only get payed 77 or 98 (depending on job) cents for every dollar men get? If men and women are equal first of all, they should all get payed the same amount of money. And, if it's the same opportunities, why did woman have to fight for the 19th Amendment when men got it granted without fighting for? I think your argument is more of an opinion than a fact.

2 points

If you think women and men are equal, then why do women only get payed 77 or 98 (depending on job) cents for every dollar men get? If men and women are equal first of all, they should all get payed the same amount of money. And, if it's the same opportunities, why did woman have to fight for the 19th Amendment when men got it granted without fighting for? I think your argument is more of an opinion than a fact.

5 points

You're saying men usually take the full time jobs, but your example for woman jobs was a nurse and a teacher. Those are both full time jobs!!

3 points

If you think they are equal than why are men always President? And why are men sports already more advanced and women sports are now just starting to advance?

adairj18(9) Clarified
3 points

With that, this shows women are just as well suited for these types of jobs as men are because, when the men go to war the women have to cover these types of jobs. ( industrial, workforce jobs ) Yes, one day women will be equal to men. But, men will ALWAYS think they are stronger, and more athletic than women.

adairj18(9) Clarified
3 points

I agree, do you ever think women will be equal to men? If so, when?

3 points

Many years ago, when our country was formed, women were treated as being inferior when compared to men. For instance women were not granted the right to vote until the 19th amendment was passed in 1920. Prior to WW2, a women wouldn’t even be considered for most jobs that were filled by a man. One positive thing that resulted from the war was that women were needed in the workforce. After the war, they were recognized as being critical to the economy and the war effort as a whole. Since then the progress has been slow, but steady. Today women could fill nearly any job that a man performed. Women have been making steady gains in executive officer positions board seats in major corporations, and in our Congress. From the 2012 U.S. labor force statistics, women comprised 51.5 percent of mangement, professional and related positions. Despite all of these gains, women hold only 14.6 percent of executive officer positions in the fortune 500 companies. Also, while 57.7 percent of all women 18 years or older work, that is far smaller than the 70.2 percent of men that work. ( Many would point out that a certain percentage of women choose motherhood over a career.) Unfortunately, today women still only earn 82.2 percent of what men earn. While some of this wage disparity can be explained by interruptions in a woman's workforce precipitation, the balance proves that there is still a wage gap between a man and a women. I believe in my lifetime that women will continue to close the gender wage gap and executive employment gap with men, and eventually be treated as a complete equal.

2 points

Many years ago, when our country was formed, women were treated as being inferior when compared to men. For instance women were not granted the right to vote until the 19th amendment was passed in 1920. Prior to WW2, a women wouldn’t even be considered for most jobs that were filled by a man. One positive thing that resulted from the war was that women were needed in the workforce. After the war, they were recognized as being critical to the economy and the war effort as a whole. Since then the progress has been slow, but steady. Today women could fill nearly any job that a man performed. Women have been making steady gains in executive officer positions board seats in major corporations, and in our Congress. From the 2012 U.S. labor force statistics, women comprised 51.5 percent of mangement, professional and related positions. Despite all of these gains, women hold only 14.6 percent of executive officer positions in the fortune 500 companies. Also, while 57.7 percent of all women 18 years or older work, that is far smaller than the 70.2 percent of men that work. ( Many would point out that a certain percentage of women choose motherhood over a career.) Unfortunately, today women still only earn 82.2 percent of what men earn. While some of this wage disparity can be explained by interruptions in a woman's workforce precipitation, the balance proves that there is still a wage gap between a man and a women. I believe in my lifetime that women will continue to close the gender wage gap and executive employment gap with men, and eventually be treated as a complete equal.

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