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Reward Points:20
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6 most recent arguments.
TuanH(20) Clarified
2 points

It has something to do with my claim because I'm saying that back then the 15 states didn't ratify and today they still haven't ratified.

TuanH(20) Clarified
2 points

It does relate to my claim because I'm saying that they didn't ratify back then and they still haven't ratified now so I'm saying that those states are still unequal.

TuanH(20) Clarified
2 points

In congress there are only 99/535 women that is only 18.5%. In the senate there are only 20/100 women which is only 20%. In the house of representatives there are only 79 women which is only 18.2%. The biggest statistic however is out of all our 44 presidents we have never had a woman be president. An even shocker one is that we have also never had a woman be vice president. From these statistics it shows how men overpower women in government.

Supporting Evidence: Women in government (
4 points

I do believe men and women are eventually going to be even but I'm not sure when they will get full equality though.

TuanH(20) Clarified
3 points

Today do men and women have equality in sports? No, in men's sports they make a load of more money than women and are also way more popular too. Think about it, some women want to play football but is their a football team for them to join? Is it because people think they aren't tough enough? Yes, people think they're not tough enough to handle the pain but men still get hurt but it doesn't stop them from playing the game.

17 points

Today I don't think women have as much equality as men but it is way better than what it was back then. Back then women were chosen after men for jobs and made way less money too. Today it has gotten better but women are still outnumbered in congress by men and still make a little bit less. Today the 15 states that didn't ratify the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote still haven't ratified it today either. This fact says how many states take men over women.

Biddle, Tabby. "Wait, Women Don't Have Equal Rights in the United States?" The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2015.

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