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RSS Titus

Reward Points:3
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4 most recent arguments.
Titus(3) Clarified
1 point

I'm not saying women don't provide for the family or economy, I'm simply stating facts to point out the bigger issues. As well as questioning the morality and even the truth behind complaints. Only true experience can allow one to know which is harder, and then it comes down to background and personal preference not facts . It happens quite often in comedies when a man and woman switch positions. Neither is able to do the role of the other.

2 points

The average woman earns 77 cents for every dollar the average man earns. When working the same job with the same experience woman earn 95-101% of what a man would earn. Secondly what you're referring to with everyone getting payed the same amount is communism. And it doesn't work. Nor will it ever. Having a right to vote does not effect what job you choose. Furthermore the American Revolution was a pretty big fight for independence from Britain and the right to vote. Afterwards we messed up for 200 years, but our independence is not something that wasn't fought for. Does that women are completely equal? No. However when it comes to chance, opportunity and finance, men and women are equal. Not pursuing knowledge in a particular field is due to personal choice or sheer ignorance, not inequality.

4 points

Recent studies also show that men are far more likely to work overtime then women. In the same job with the same experience women work about 37 hours per week. Men, on the other hand, work about 45 hours week. This additional time on job totals up to over 400 hours per year. During the average occupational time on job this is over 12,000 hours of difference. This has a huge affect on experience and general knowledge. It is a direct cause of promotions, bonuses, and benefits. The most obvious cause is for women to start working more similar hours. Any other attempt would not be equal pay for equal work. It would benefit only those people who did not work extra hours. In turn this would lower work ethic and slow our economy. This would result in a pseudo communist society where job experience and amount of hours spent working would do nothing. Only pure job occupation would result in anything. If the best surgeon in the world received as much pay as the worst, there would be no point in trying.

3 points

“Gender Equality”

Financially, according to research by the Center for American Progress (CAP), the average woman earns 77 cents for every dollar the average man makes. What does that say about workplace discrimination? Next to nothing. In fact when comparing equal pay for equal work, a female worker with the same experience from the same school with the same dedication earns about 98 cents for every dollar a man in the same job earns. So what happened to that huge gap? Research indicates that while men tend to choose degrees out of financial and status reasons, women tend to pick jobs for the future or enjoyment. Furthermore men are more likely to choose jobs of high risk or inconsistent payment than women, such as law, construction, foresting. Also women take more sick and vacation days than their male counterparts. Especially if they plan to have children. This costs them five to ten years of experience that a single or childless female would have gained. Which in turn puts them behind the curve of the entirety of the job force. However studies also show that mothers work more efficiently and handle stress better (on average) than single or childless workers. Problems and controversies in the today’s world (in the U.S.) are almost entirely based off of misinformation or the idea of comparative work. Comparative work is the idea that two different jobs with similar environments, conditions and hours should be equal. The problem is; it doesn't account for demand, experience, or overtime. Finally, regardless of the reasons, whether scared of consequences, lack of will or pure ineptitude, women rarely ever push for high salaries or bonuses. Leaving them in the dust, when men push fervently for larger salaries. In conclusion, from a financial part of view women are about as equal as it’s possible to be (in the U.S.).

When it comes to rights and general culture beliefs it’s a different story, but also one much harder to judge. As far as rights go in the majority of European-based or Anglo-Saxon women tend to have the same rights as a male of similar background. They also receive many benefits in the form of tradition. That same tradition as well as stereotyping limits them. In many of today’s cultures in our country, it is seen as the noble or chivalrous when men pay for food, open doors etc… Because of this, women are more often perceived as calm and collected but weaker on a whole. While that is proven by research and genetics to be true, it shouldn't be limiting nearly as much as it is. Since the passage of Title IX in 1972, women have gained ground in their fight for equality from an academic and athletic point of view. Most of the still occurring bias towards female competition is a societal view, and cannot nor will ever be impacted by the government (or any attempt to force change) immediately. In reality, for the majority of major cultures the rights issue is not so much a political problem as a religious or cultural one. If you take a step back and look around the world, civil issues become much more defined, but not always worse. The loss of choice is not always as terrible as it appears. Choice however, is still a powerful motivation and will continue to become a major topic in debates everywhere. This cultural mindset is proven historically as well. In places where women had a lot of power like Greece and Rome. Women continue to have the same powers and rights as they do in their offspring today.

When it comes to equality on the whole, it truly is the same opportunities. Today in what are typically considered the “civilized” countries women have the same rights and choices as men. Even when it comes down to status and power, the two genders are practically equal. For every gain that men receive in history they suffer a loss, and the same applies to women. It always comes back to common sayings; The grass is always greener on the other side.

Title IX

77 Cents

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