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RSS Tallurid18

Reward Points:27
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Another way that men and women are not equal is just how they are treated. For example, we read the book "Step From Heaven" which shows how Young Ju's mom is getting abused by her dad. This is another example how men are stronger than women not only physically but also they yell. This is another issue that is not good and we have to change in society. We have to make men and women equal in tis country

2 points

What were the 15 states? and does that really have anything to do with your point?

Tallurid18(27) Clarified
1 point

Sorry Noah I understand what you are saying now sorry for the misunderstanding

3 points

Here is the link to my last argument Noah, this should give you all the facts I have used let me know if I have any other irrelevant facts

Supporting Evidence: Women In Office (
3 points

Women are also loosing the fight in office. According "Why does US still have so few in office" they said that United States is 98th in the world when it comes to the percentage to women in political positions which is very low for the country. This is another reason I believe en and women are not treated equal

4 points

I guarantee that women can do these jobs don't know why it is listed only for men!

Supporting Evidence: Male Jobs (
26 points

In my opinion, I believe that men and women are not treated equal in the united states. Our country has definitely became much better at this issue, because at the start of the country women were just meant to stay in the house. They did not have opportunities in life, their job was to have kids and take care of them and do all the chores in the house while the men had the chance to explore the world. Nowadays it has gotten better but both sexes are still not treated equal in jobs and amount getting paid.

In this country some jobs are only male jobs and they mostly don’t let women get them for example the military and industrialized jobs. I bet that women can shoot guns, obviously most of them do not prefer to but the very small that wants to should be able to are not able to. In factories it is definitely possible for women to be able to work machinery but for some reason most factory workers don’t believe the will get a well enough job done which doesn't make any sense. According to “Jobs with the Widest Pay Gaps Between Men And Women” 67.7% of them are female but the minimum salary for male is about 500 dollars more than the amount of money for a female. These are the reasons I feel women are not being treated equal to men.

Supporting Evidence: Jobs with the Widest Pay Gaps Between Men and Women (
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