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RSS LathamV

Reward Points:14
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1 point

It's not just working machinery, it's also the conditions that some factories put their workers under. I know of one, but I will not say the name. They were having some people working 16 hour shifts. They were allowing these people to work this much in one day! That's just not right. It isn't just that females can't work machinery, obviously they can, but some of these factories are really, really bad, especially for females, to be working in. Just something for you to think about.

2 points

The last thing I will point out about the inequality between men and women is the factor of education. Not only in America, but all around the world. According to Dr. Nelly Stromquist’s “Better, Yet Still Unequal” in America, more women graduate college than men in the top 25% of the earning distribution, while in the poorer families or middle class, there is almost no advantage for women. In my opinion, this needs to be change and women need to start being more aggressive in bringing this to people’s attention. It isn’t quite that, in America, women don’t have the right to education, it’s more that those with less money struggle so much more than those with more money to be able to go to and complete college. It shouldn’t be a struggle to get the education you need, yet it is for about 75% of America. We need change in America. Some men have an easier time with their education and getting money because there are more jobs and job positions available to them. For women, there aren’t as many jobs available to earn money and yet we are still expected to be able to pull through college and get a job like everyone else. Just like all men. How can we do this if there are not as many jobs available to women, when women are perceived as weak and inferior, and when there is still racial discrimination and unequal pay between all women and all men? The rights women have, the influence, the stereotypes, the prejudice against women must all stop. Time can’t be rewritten, but the labor laws and rights can be changed. So why not we change these? Why can’t we? Why won’t we? Women have just as much say in this world as men do. We are just as much human. Thinking women are inferior is a mistake, but it will only be noticed when more and more women finally rise up and fight for our rights. When we finally rise up and fight for equal job positions and wages.

1 point

The unequal pay is not the only issue of the inequality between men and women. The other part of unfairness in jobs is some women are able to handle certain jobs while other women are unable to, but at the same time, men are able to handle jobs, such as factory jobs, and some are not. There are some jobs, such as being a teacher, especially in an elementary school, where a teacher should be somewhat delicate toward the children, and some men can’t do that, but some women can. At the same time, some men are better at these jobs than women. This reflects on my previous argument that the pay is unequal, so why, if women do better at a job and work more effectively than men, can’t both men and women have equal pay, as well as the same chance at a job as each other? To add to this, in some jobs, one can be promoted to a manager, but in these jobs, men are the ones who take these jobs so much more often. The people who are in charge of these jobs don’t support women to prove that we can handle these positions. Women may be allowed to try, but we just don’t end up being promoted. This is not fair at all. This has to change.

1 point

I love these examples. I quite agree, for I have somewhat had this experience.

1 point

Then should something change, or do you think women and men should stay unequal?

1 point

Then where is the evidence for that? Some men, I even know one, works in a factory, but that factory has bad working conditions, still. Yes, maybe a female couldn't handle all the labor work involved with that, but there are some that can. Women are not weak. Some are stronger than men.

1 point

Both male and female influences and stereotypes are not the only stereotypes, though. There are also still stereotypes against African American, Hispanic, and other races of people, by people in America. Catherine Hill, Ph. D. wrote a blog with her entries being primarily about females and males earning different wages, but more importantly, there is also racial discrimination and unequal pay to those of a different race. Those who are Hispanic or Latina earn the highest pay compared to men of a race/ethnicity while they gain the lowest pay of 53% compared to the pay of white men. African-American women are equal to the Hispanics’ pay, both with 89% of the earnings of men of a race/ethnicity, but only 64% of a white man’s pay. White women, however, only receive 78% from both ethnic men and white men. I thought we were past all the racial discrimination, but it looks like we aren’t done yet. This must stop. Everyone is as much human as everyone else. Why can’t we all be equal, too? There is no point in leaving the pay of ethnic people lower than those who are Caucasian. There is even less point in discriminating against women, constantly holding us back and never letting us show people what women can do. There is no fairness, nor equality, in giving females a fraction of male pay.

2 points

How does this still recognize women being equal to men if these are women-only courses? How would we know who is better? Are there more of these in men-only schools with the same courses at the same level of difficulty? How could we be equal if no females go head-to-head against the males with the knowledge females have now been granted to learn?

2 points

Influences on males are also issues of inequality among people in America. There is a picture created for men that males have to be big and strong and have to be the ones to get all the money to support themselves and their family. Really, though, there is no reason for people to be someone they are not, nor claiming that others are not as they should be, such as what happens with these kinds of stereotypes against people. Against each other. These stereotypes need to stop. We should all have the right to claim what we think is right or wrong. First amendment; freedom of speech. How often are women allowed free speech to “higher ranking” men? How often are women allowed free speech to their work boss about demanding higher pay, or in doing so, do women have an increased chance in getting fired? Women and men should have the same rights as each other.

3 points

Awesome evidence and I quite agree. I've heard the same thing, but I didn't know before what I know now about the prices.

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