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RSS CarlosG

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

By profiling, the airport officials are able to pick up on individuals who may be a threat to the airport. Profiling not only makes it easy for officials to pick out certain suspects, but it helps keep the airport safe. Even though profiling sometimes seems racial,it is only done for safety reasons and to protect and keep the people safe. Officials have to be strict because if they loosen up, then any threat to the people and the airport could slip in right beneath their nose and they wouldn't even know it.

1 point

Torturing someone is o.k up to a certain point. For example, if the person is being tortured for military and investigation purposes or if that person did something bad like slaughter alot of people, then it is alright.But, if a person is being tortured for amusement or for no reason, then that is just sick.

2 points

I do not think students should be allowed to go to any school they want that is outside of their district. I understand that it would be a good opportunity to meet new people and attend a school you could not attend before. But, this would only cause an overflow of students and schools that require a certain level of knowledge would end up getting ruined by those who do not have such a high leveled brain. If students were ever able to attend any school of their choice it would be something new and different for not only the students but the districts as well.

1 point

Just because we the people show some love for our president doesn't mean that person is going to bring our nation forward.If it takes a president more than two or three terms to just to get started on his "great plan", then how long is it going to take for them to accomplish their goal?

1 point

There are those who excell and achieve many things and there are those who do nothing but sit around like stumps. It would not be vary wise to allow a president more than two terms because there are people who instead of bringing hope and progress, they only bring failure and greif.No one would like to have a president who sits around doing nothing while watching his country fall into ashes.There are people though, who have the capacity and determination to run a country beyond its limits not only to succeed but to bring this nation forth.But, that is what every president says they will do when they are running for president. Some of them do try to accomplish this but some do not. That is why there should not be more than two terms. By us limmiting the terms, we are able to give someone else the opportunity to help our country especially if we are in desparate times.

2 points

I understand that the deportation of immigrants is done for the safety and security of our country,but I do not think it is right for people to get deported.The reason is because all those people come to the U.S. for a better life, just like the plgrims did in 1620.Instead of sending them back to their country we should grant them the opportunity to do so. Most of the people have forgotten that America is made up of immigrants who came here in search of hope and a better life.

1 point

I understand that developing countries may not have he same knowledge or power as the developed countries, but every country has the right to make decisions for themselves. If a country does not want help, then other countries should respect their decision. For example, if a developing country wants to make stupid decisions that will eventually ruin them, then other countries should just let the ruin themselves. The reults of a country not wanting aid may reult in a positive way.

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