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This personal waterfall shows you all of Transformers's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

I think that if they have a good reason to secretly monitor someone then it's ok because what if someone is planing something bad against our country. If they have him/her secretly monitored they can prevent him/her from putting all of us in danger. So yes they should be able to secretly monitor suspicious individuals but only if they have enough proof against them.

1 point

I would rather be fatherless, why would i want a lousy father? Yeah it's hard growing up without a father but that's why we have our mother's. They say we need a father figure to look up to but we really don't. Why would I want to look up to a father that's setting a bad example for me. My mom is a hard working women and if my step dad wasn't in the picture I know she would do anything for me and my sister. So I believe it's a lot better to be fatherless then to have to deal with a lousy father that's just setting a bad example to his kids.

0 points

If my husband where to commit a murder I would most likely not turn him in. He's my husband and I'm going to be there for him for better or for worst. Yes he made a big mistake and he should pay for it I know that but i don't think I'll have the heart to turn in the man I love. We have to protect each other and be their for each other no matter how bad it is. Even if it makes me his accomplice.

1 point

I think that personal pursuit is better because we want the best for ourselves. We always think of what's going to help us in life. It's not that we are selfish but if we don't think for what's better for us no one else is.

1 point

I think Shakespeare should continue to be taught at the high school level. Shakespeare was a great writer and and we learn a lot from his writing. His work is difficult and the most challenging to understand. But I also think that maybe if they break it down i little bit more then more of us would read it and we would comprehend it more.

1 point

I think they are needed because alot of people do their buisness here at school. They are also needed because if someone gets something stolen from them they'll have it on camera. And also fights people always blamming they opposite party and with cameras you'll know exactly who started it.

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