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This personal waterfall shows you all of Rbenge24's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with the statement.There a couple of times in my life where my freedom was restricicted.Where u go and how you use your freedom can help determine what kind of person you are.i beleive if your sustainable to change and willing to embrace your surroundings than you will always be free in a way.

1 point

I think its better to be wealthy.Money might not bring you happiness,but in todays world it can bring you power and freedom.

3 points

Hell yea,i love being cooked for.

2 points

i think it would be better to be loved.If you are loved people will admire and respect you.if you are feared then people would give you a false sense of respect just because they are scared of you.If your loved then you would be comfortable around certain people,but if you were feared others would be nervous or shaky in your presence.When your loved more people care about your well being compared to if you were feared others wouldnt mind if you got knocked off...

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