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1 point

I agree with what i understand I'm not sure that i understand the full meaning of the quote. But i think its saying you can choose what you do but you cant always choose what happens to you.

1 point

unlike McCain obama thinks we need money for education. Think how students would be without books, games, computers and other things teachers use to help educate us. How would this country be if students couldn't afford to go to college we think were in a recession now it would be worse if we dont have the education to do half the jobs that are needed to make this economy work.

1 point

Its better to be well respected because then people will treat you with respect and not run all over you they'll take your opinion into consideration rather than somebody's who's wealthy because people will only see you for your money. Think about most celebrities aren't respected they get talked about for everything they do.But then again Donald Trump is wealthy and people respect him. I guess it all comes down to how you are as person you can be respected and be wealthy at the same time.

1 point

I think batman is more heroic for two reasons. Batman is an ordinary person without super powers he doesn't need powers to fight crime hes ready to defend people not matter what the consequences are. The second reason I believe Batman's a hero is because he doesn't go around bragging about how he saves lives he does it because he believes the right thing to do.Batman goes out every defending what he believes in,not caring that he could get hurt.

1 point

I agree and disagree about school killing creativity. I mean it depends on how you show your creativity some people show it through there clothes and others through art and dance. Clothing is one of the reasons i disagree on schools killing creativity if you walk down the halls of Mac Arthur you'll see girls with green or blue hair, you'll see people with all sorts of styles and creativity that the school has allowed them to wear. With art and dance i agree the school kills creativity. Some students may think that dancing around half naked with paint on them is creative but the teachers and everyone else might think its crazy one student might think that a rainbow painted gun means something to them but the schools quick to resort that to violence. So how do you decide whats creative and whats not.

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