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Oliviaelise's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Oliviaelise's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, I think the government should be able to monitor suspicious individuals because the individuals could possibly be contacting people who want to harm you or the U.S. For example, they could be plotting a minor or fatal attack.

0 points

No i wouldn't turn my spouse in. I wouldnt lie if someone asked me about it but I wouldnt personally turn them in. I'd try to help my spouse as much as I could but if he gets caught in the end then that's that.

3 points

They should be tried! Anyone who commits a crime should be tried whether they're crazy or not. If theyr'e mentally insane then they should be put in a special place so that they dont harm anyone in the first place. Who even knows when the person became crazy. The crime they did could've made them crazy which would REALLY not give them any kind of excuse at all.

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