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This personal waterfall shows you all of Moosh2009's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Everyone deserves rights, and the government should respect those rights. But, when someone does something that is suspicious or might be harming the good of our country than they waive that right. They no longer have it, for the country must protect its citizens.

2 points

Some people are not capable of change. I know from experience. YOu can try to knock some sense into him, but it doesn't always work. I guess everyone's different. From my experiences I would rather not have a father, but from yours you would want one. Everyone is different, and not everything works for everyone.

4 points

Yes it would be difficult to not have a father and you may think about all the things you have missed if you had a father groeing up, but it is also difficult when you have one that doesn't care. That also messes you up as well. I grew up with a crappy dad and I honestly believe I would be better off if I had grown up without one. It hurts you more to know you have a dad that doesn't give a crap what's happening with you and what's going on in your life.

0 points

People can say whatever they want, and throw out their opinions, but they will not truly know until they have been through the experience. I believe it is better to be fatherless than to have a lousy father. When you have a lousy father than you are hurt by him. You can not be hurt by something that is not there. You may wish you had a father, but you will be hurt more if you have one that is lousy and hurtful and doesn't care. It will make your life a lot harder. And, usually if you don't have a father than a man in your life will step and up and sort of play the fatherly figure.

-1 points

I disagree. Many people make mistakes and there are a million different situations that a murder could be. It doesnt mean they are messed up in the head, and if he loves you than he wont attack you. Thats not what love is.

1 point

Absolutely not. People make mistakes; I know, I make plenty of them. One thing that I have learned through someone very important is you ALWAYS stick by the one you love. I would not turn him into the authorities. He made a mistake which he will learn from. If you made that one mistake and you know it will never happen again, you would not want him to turn you in. You need to stick by each other through the ups and the downs. Love is stronger than that.

3 points

In a perfect world, everyone would not be selfish and would use their talents and abilities for the good of humanity, but we don't live in a perfect world nor will we ever. I think that everyone has a God-given talent that can be used to better the world. If everyone put a little effort into improving society, our life would run a lot smoother. You can also combine the two if advancing the common good doesnt sound appealing to you. Their are plenty of jobs that do just that.

2 points

I think Shakespeare should continue being taught in high school. Shakespeare's work is defined and takes actual thinking to comprehend. Many high school students want to go through high school doing the minimal amount of work possible. That's why many students don't want to continue it. Shakespeare's pieces that are studied in high school are a preview and a jump start to what is studied in college. Therefore, Shakespeare should continue to be taught in high school.

0 points

I agree with Jean-Paul because no matter how strict your lifestyle is or the lifestyle your parents force you to have, you can always gain some freedom. Following what they tell you and behaving with respect will get you freedom to an extent. It how you percieve what you have and then what you do with that perception.

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