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This personal waterfall shows you all of Mariveltazz's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I agree with Jean-Paul freesdom is not a sence a freeness but what you have done to gain freedom.You can go threw a lot in your liffe and not had freedom but you need to gain it just like gaining trust with your parents you gain than you have the freedom you want.

1 point

I think that Ombama should be the next President I feel like he's going to get more done and that he really cares about our schooling and that he knows that students that go to college get in debt or don't have money to pay back . Obama is also thinking about rising money on teacher and I think that thats a good thing because I feel that the teacher's should get paid more for giving us the education we need. He to me would be a good President.

2 points

I think that Its better to be well respected because in this world respect is the number on thing you get respcet by giving respect and you can go far. And being wealthy you just have money and what happends to all that money when you are gone from this world?That money just stays here and they would not say good things about you unlike being well respected people talk good about them.To me i prefur to be talked good about.

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