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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lbparrish's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

The government should be allowed to monitor dangerous people, and in our government they do. If you've ever seen NCIS or Law in Order you know that in some of the episodes they stake out or spy on people, stalk people and even dig through peoples trash to help out their investigation. I believe there is a certain amount of monitoring that should be allowed and so does the United States government and the 4th amendment clearly states that you have the right to make people get a warrant to search your house. The government is here to protect us and as long as we are being protected I have no problem with them secretly monitoring suspicious individuals.

1 point

I would rather not have a father at all then be ashamed of his name because a father is someone you look up to and is someone you want to eventually be. Even without a father you can have someone decent to look up to, and a father figure that cares about you. I would hate to have the name of a man who is considered a parasite to society because people are going to judge you because you have your fathers’ name. Besides why would you desire to have a father that doesn’t care for you in any way? I would rather have a father that died before my birth then have a sperm donor, father that doesn’t care about me.

2 points

I would turn him in because he murdered someone. Don't get me worng I would try to persuade him first to turn himself in but if that didn't happen I would have to take reponsiblity for him. Plus I wouldn't want to feel the guilt of always knowing that I didn't turn that murder in. If he truly loved me I wouldn't have killed someone.

1 point

Only at Walgreen's do all people use their talents for the common good, but we don't live in Walgreen's, and most people use their talents in greed to further themselves. I think that advancing the common good is better because we need people like that. We need people to rally up others and have benefits for cancer, and we need people to unselfishly go to Africa and help starving children. people who advance the common good don't care what other people think they just want to help, and helping others is what its all about to them. Yeah those people may not be remembered for a long but they have the joy of helping others live their life's.

1 point

Shakspeare is a genius that wrote many plays back during the 1600s before slang and the 21st century. Of course we wil not be able to understand the work he writes and thats why we have people who do understand it translate his work into peices we should be able to understand. With translation everybody should be able to figure out that Shakespeares work is all about love, lust, jealousy, fear, war and death; which is all modern.

1 point

Freedom is the power to live the unalienable rights (Life, Liberty. and the pursuit of happiness) to the fullest. So, I agree with Jean- Paul's quote, for example if Lee comes to my house and completely trashes it out I have the freedom to kick him out, because he went against my happiness. So, If someone does something good or bad to your freedom could give a response to them.

1 point

I would like to start off with I am so glad that I can't vote this year, and its because I really don't like either of the presidential candidates, but since I have to choose one I will choose McCain because he is the better of two evils. I know some of his plans and some of Obamas plans but I haven't really followed either of them. I like McCain keeping our troops in Iraq.

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