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This personal waterfall shows you all of Lauwilson's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It is a lot better to be fatherless than have a lousy father. If you don't have a father he can't hurt you. Because to have a father who knows where you live and knows your phone number but never calls or comes by has to hurt. For example, my daughter's dad loves her but he acts like he doesn't have the time of day for her. He blows her off as if she is not there. Although you have to ask yourself questions like If he really cared wouldn't he pay attention to her. Wouldn't he acknowledge that she was there every time he saw her.

1 point

I would turn my spouse in if they told me they committed murder. Weather it was by accident or on purpose. If it was an accident than the police will figure that out. For example, what if my spouse murdered your spouse. Wouldn’t you want to know who killed him/her? I would, I wouldn’t allow my self to rest until I knew. Sometimes in life their is more to worry about than yourself.

2 points

Sure, a personal pursuit will make you money but will it make your days feel fulfilled and happy or will it make them long, boring and stressed because your constantly worrying about money? I think that advancing the common good is better because their are certain kinds of feelings of satisfaction you can get from knowing that you have made a positive change in someone’s life somewhere. Differences are made one step at a time. For example, about 3 years ago I went to California. I didn’t realize how many homeless people there were until I got there. But one night me and my sister decide to go buy MC chicken’s and give one to every homeless person we saw. We didn’t have to go spend our personal money (or our dad’s money) to go buy them food but we did it out of the kindness of our hearts. It gave me a filling of satisfaction. I felt relived that at least someone who’s used to going hungry didn’t go hungry that night because of my sister and me.

1 point

I think that saying shakespeare has been around many years and he continues to be one of the best writers is a fact that you have learned, its not your opinion about weather high school students should still study his work.

1 point

YES I do think Shakespeare's work should continue to be studied in high school. Because growing up people were taught that English was spoken one way. People may speak it with an accent but it was the same language. But Shakespeare takes the English language to another level. He's speaking English but to the average person its like he's speaking another language. However I do not think that it should be studied more than once in high school. For example we studied Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare whenever I was a freshman and now I am a senior and were studying his work again.

3 points

Really it depends on the teacher. Some teachers stick strictly to books, resources, reading, and Internet. For example Mr.Mountain is strictly vocab, papers, and Internet. We never make posters or design anything, besides essays which is really tiring after a while. Also another example is when i took coach Powe's sociology class. We were always making something a poster, a book, a sign, and many other things and it all delt with the lessons we were supposed to be learning. so every teacher has their own way of teaching but to me when the student can have fun and be creative in process they are more willing to do the work.

3 points

I agree. I actually think that we do not have enough video surveillance here at school. For example today my anatomy teacher told me that yesterday someone in her 7th period class stole her cell phone. It was a couple hundred dollar phone that was never found. she now has to replace it. Also last year 3 people in my biology class had their personal belongings stolen.(phones, ipods, etc..) Their things were never found. They will have to replace them. These situations aren't very fair and if they were caught on surveillance they would have caught the persons responsible.

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