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This personal waterfall shows you all of Gretcheng's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe presidents should be allowed more than two terms because if someone is doing a very nice job at being a president then that person should be able to serve as president for however long they can.Why put a time limit on them if they are helping our country out and making positive changes in our lives. If the president was not doing a good job then the people in America would not keep electing him.

1 point

Developed countries should not force anything upon devoloping countries. Developing countries are called developing for a reason.They have worrys about how they are going to feed their family or keep their familys safe and well, they do not need the hassle of worry about our Earth as well. They are going to hard times already.Im not saying that they do not need to respect our environment, but they can not do as much as protecting our enviroment as we are without money.Although being eco friendly helps our enviroment, it also costs a lot of money, and developing countries do not have a lot of money. We cannot force developing countries to help us if they are not able too.

0 points

I believe the pros weigh the cons. The U.S. has had many hard times in the past such as wars,prejudice,slaves and etc. All those hard times has gotten us americans to where we are today. The rights we have as americans,the job opportunitys, good education and the freedom are all worth.

1 point

Yes because school do limit a certain indivudals creativity, by telling them what they can and cannot do, say, wear and etc.

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